1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:04,480 they're all excited about that it's true 2 00:00:02,158 --> 00:00:04,480 where's 3 00:00:05,440 --> 00:00:09,480 the subur somewhere 4 00:00:11,039 --> 00:00:15,599 inele we have a friend of mine that's 5 00:00:13,798 --> 00:00:18,879 got one that lives right over Fish Lake 6 00:00:15,599 --> 00:00:21,399 in South okay and then another guy lives 7 00:00:18,879 --> 00:00:24,278 on Rome Road so I'm going take some logs 8 00:00:21,399 --> 00:00:24,278 to him come 9 00:00:26,678 --> 00:00:31,839 up I'm glad you're here there's chairs 10 00:00:33,079 --> 00:00:39,439 what's 11 00:00:34,200 --> 00:00:41,800 that yeah the first half didn't look 12 00:00:39,439 --> 00:00:45,039 good they were playing with them a 13 00:00:41,799 --> 00:00:45,038 little I don't 14 00:00:48,198 --> 00:00:53,039 know well Vikings are a good team but I 15 00:00:50,960 --> 00:00:56,320 just didn't like to play call lions were 16 00:00:53,039 --> 00:00:56,320 doing just 17 00:00:56,640 --> 00:01:00,640 like frustrating 18 00:01:01,159 --> 00:01:05,959 it had me walking around quite a bit 19 00:01:03,119 --> 00:01:05,959 like I want 20 00:01:06,840 --> 00:01:12,840 that red chees aren't the best Chuck I 21 00:01:10,759 --> 00:01:14,159 sent an email out to the whole Township 22 00:01:12,840 --> 00:01:17,799 saying you were to be here that's why we 23 00:01:14,159 --> 00:01:21,400 got a good crowd okay they go 24 00:01:17,799 --> 00:01:23,759 Chuck yep Chuck's going to be 25 00:01:21,400 --> 00:01:28,359 here there 26 00:01:23,759 --> 00:01:28,359 that David's not here 27 00:01:32,399 --> 00:01:36,719 all right cool that's all right like 28 00:01:50,478 --> 00:01:53,840 it you doing 29 00:01:55,319 --> 00:02:01,839 your think 30 00:01:57,280 --> 00:02:01,840 maybe unless he told not to 31 00:02:02,039 --> 00:02:04,280 start 32 00:02:09,118 --> 00:02:12,399 it there 33 00:02:13,039 --> 00:02:19,598 too okay uh we'll get 34 00:02:15,959 --> 00:02:22,159 started and I'll call the meeting to 35 00:02:19,598 --> 00:02:24,719 order stand for the uh Pledge of 36 00:02:22,159 --> 00:02:24,719 Allegiance 37 00:02:25,959 --> 00:02:33,000 please Al to the flag of the United 38 00:02:30,039 --> 00:02:37,959 States of America and to the Republic 39 00:02:33,000 --> 00:02:41,598 for it stands one nation God indivisible 40 00:02:37,959 --> 00:02:41,598 with liy and justice for 41 00:02:44,239 --> 00:02:51,439 all Shar this with you can have one we 42 00:02:48,840 --> 00:02:55,400 have a roll 43 00:02:51,439 --> 00:02:58,680 call Greg CS here Jennifer Eden here 44 00:02:55,400 --> 00:03:02,760 Sarah dolman Jersey here Herman Ferguson 45 00:02:58,680 --> 00:03:05,519 here Dean H here Chris Reta here Pam 46 00:03:02,759 --> 00:03:05,518 offler 47 00:03:06,479 --> 00:03:12,679 here all right 48 00:03:09,360 --> 00:03:15,799 uh before I ask for approval of the 49 00:03:12,680 --> 00:03:18,519 agenda I I have a couple questions 50 00:03:15,799 --> 00:03:23,560 Chuck 51 00:03:18,519 --> 00:03:25,560 um obviously uh pertaining to number one 52 00:03:23,560 --> 00:03:27,719 business new business number 53 00:03:25,560 --> 00:03:31,640 one 54 00:03:27,719 --> 00:03:34,919 uh you you wrote the censor I drafted 55 00:03:31,639 --> 00:03:38,039 them you drafted the sensor and uh that 56 00:03:34,919 --> 00:03:40,158 was with the help of uh a board member 57 00:03:38,039 --> 00:03:43,959 or one 58 00:03:40,158 --> 00:03:47,239 two um I have talked to more than one 59 00:03:43,959 --> 00:03:49,120 trustee officer about that they did not 60 00:03:47,239 --> 00:03:53,480 help draft it they asked me to draft 61 00:03:49,120 --> 00:03:53,480 something that said a c and d 62 00:03:53,840 --> 00:03:59,560 okay all righty 63 00:03:56,519 --> 00:04:02,759 um yeah I just I wondered cuz some some 64 00:03:59,560 --> 00:04:05,039 of the uh some of the verbiage in there 65 00:04:02,759 --> 00:04:08,959 it like 66 00:04:05,039 --> 00:04:11,959 references it suggests uh you have 67 00:04:08,959 --> 00:04:15,438 subtle references of my state of mind 68 00:04:11,959 --> 00:04:16,439 you know intention of intimidating and 69 00:04:15,438 --> 00:04:18,478 Mis 70 00:04:16,439 --> 00:04:21,759 characterization I just wondered how you 71 00:04:18,478 --> 00:04:27,000 knew what I was thinking anyway uh 72 00:04:21,759 --> 00:04:30,600 moving on so uh you drafted the the 73 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:35,959 sensor and then uh the board member the 74 00:04:30,600 --> 00:04:37,120 board member submits it to the clerk is 75 00:04:35,959 --> 00:04:39,560 that 76 00:04:37,120 --> 00:04:43,079 correct I imagine that's how for and 77 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:46,000 they put it on the the agenda is that 78 00:04:43,079 --> 00:04:49,079 how it goes okay 79 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:53,079 so Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 80 00:04:49,079 --> 00:04:56,399 Monday Tuesday six days notice 81 00:04:53,079 --> 00:04:58,159 that's that's okay that's within the law 82 00:04:56,399 --> 00:05:01,279 or point of order we're discussing an 83 00:04:58,160 --> 00:05:03,800 agenda item before uh yeah we're we're 84 00:05:01,279 --> 00:05:07,399 discussing whether it even belongs on 85 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:11,400 the agenda okay 86 00:05:07,399 --> 00:05:14,399 so and I need to understand this I'm 87 00:05:11,399 --> 00:05:14,399 sorry 88 00:05:18,399 --> 00:05:25,159 so the sensor is is is on the agenda all 89 00:05:23,360 --> 00:05:29,639 right 90 00:05:25,160 --> 00:05:29,639 so if a resident 91 00:05:31,279 --> 00:05:38,198 if if I as a 92 00:05:33,918 --> 00:05:38,198 supervisor regarding a charge of 93 00:05:39,199 --> 00:05:42,960 nonfeasance I could charge a board 94 00:05:41,600 --> 00:05:46,439 member with 95 00:05:42,959 --> 00:05:49,439 non-fe there is no law in Michigan that 96 00:05:46,439 --> 00:05:49,439 allows 97 00:05:49,839 --> 00:05:56,959 charge or oh a board 98 00:05:53,879 --> 00:06:00,240 member can charge another board member 99 00:05:56,959 --> 00:06:02,478 with nonent there's no law michig that 100 00:06:00,240 --> 00:06:06,478 says any board member can charge any 101 00:06:02,478 --> 00:06:09,719 other board member or the board itself 102 00:06:06,478 --> 00:06:13,000 charge a member of the board with any of 103 00:06:09,720 --> 00:06:15,880 those the only law that there is when it 104 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:18,478 comes to that type of thing is the board 105 00:06:15,879 --> 00:06:20,719 charging PC 106 00:06:18,478 --> 00:06:22,560 members so if you're looking at the 107 00:06:20,720 --> 00:06:26,520 centure and you're trying to think is 108 00:06:22,560 --> 00:06:30,240 this a charge of Mal fees mises or nones 109 00:06:26,519 --> 00:06:32,959 the answer is it is not 110 00:06:30,240 --> 00:06:37,000 the penalty for those three things with 111 00:06:32,959 --> 00:06:41,120 the board to the PC is the potential for 112 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:45,279 removal there is no right there is no 113 00:06:41,120 --> 00:06:45,280 way to do that at the board 114 00:06:48,160 --> 00:06:54,160 home can a 115 00:06:51,199 --> 00:06:57,879 resident charge a board member with 116 00:06:54,160 --> 00:07:01,520 non-fe residents can't do that 117 00:06:57,879 --> 00:07:01,520 either okay 118 00:07:03,240 --> 00:07:09,400 all right uh any other questions on the 119 00:07:06,879 --> 00:07:11,520 agenda I guess yeah I have a some 120 00:07:09,399 --> 00:07:14,359 statement about and for some changes if 121 00:07:11,519 --> 00:07:14,359 I could if I 122 00:07:14,879 --> 00:07:21,199 may okay um I'd like the resolutions for 123 00:07:19,478 --> 00:07:24,318 senture removed from the agenda for the 124 00:07:21,199 --> 00:07:27,560 following reasons uh trusty dolman 125 00:07:24,319 --> 00:07:29,639 Jersey who wrote the resolutions of 126 00:07:27,560 --> 00:07:33,720 censure with the help of the the 127 00:07:29,639 --> 00:07:36,079 attorney as he's mentioned um says the 128 00:07:33,720 --> 00:07:38,400 following the board has reviewed the 129 00:07:36,079 --> 00:07:40,399 actions and decisions made by the 130 00:07:38,399 --> 00:07:41,839 supervisor trustee there's three of them 131 00:07:40,399 --> 00:07:45,239 as you can see in the 132 00:07:41,839 --> 00:07:47,918 packet um in the execution of his duties 133 00:07:45,240 --> 00:07:49,759 and found discrepancies that warant 134 00:07:47,918 --> 00:07:53,240 formal 135 00:07:49,759 --> 00:07:54,960 censure uh no the board has not reviewed 136 00:07:53,240 --> 00:07:59,598 this nor was it presented to all the 137 00:07:54,959 --> 00:08:01,198 board members for discussion and opinion 138 00:07:59,598 --> 00:08:03,918 hasn't been here yet we haven't even had 139 00:08:01,199 --> 00:08:05,280 a meeting on it yet so the board has not 140 00:08:03,918 --> 00:08:09,799 done 141 00:08:05,279 --> 00:08:13,279 that these resolutions are just the same 142 00:08:09,800 --> 00:08:16,000 uh just the same as the PC nonfeasance 143 00:08:13,279 --> 00:08:18,519 letters that went 144 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:21,478 out board hasn't talked to about them 145 00:08:18,519 --> 00:08:23,680 yet board hasn't discussed them I don't 146 00:08:21,478 --> 00:08:25,478 see the difference then not why they're 147 00:08:23,680 --> 00:08:28,000 on the agend I'm talking please thank 148 00:08:25,478 --> 00:08:30,240 you I'm making a statement please don't 149 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:33,759 interrupt 150 00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:35,320 uh so should we just charge trusty 151 00:08:33,759 --> 00:08:37,958 dolman jersey with the same cental 152 00:08:35,320 --> 00:08:39,560 resolution as she's charging us these 153 00:08:37,958 --> 00:08:41,359 resolutions were not only published in 154 00:08:39,559 --> 00:08:43,718 the meeting packet for today's meeting 155 00:08:41,360 --> 00:08:45,879 agreed but trusty dolman Jersey found it 156 00:08:43,719 --> 00:08:49,000 necessary to appear on local radio 157 00:08:45,879 --> 00:08:52,360 programs to discuss the particulars of 158 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:55,240 these partic these uh uh items and and 159 00:08:52,360 --> 00:08:58,919 this uh meeting packet and these uh 160 00:08:55,240 --> 00:09:01,600 resolutions for censure on local radio 161 00:08:58,919 --> 00:09:05,919 and uh before the even review took place 162 00:09:01,600 --> 00:09:08,040 I'm I'm not sure why you know why why is 163 00:09:05,919 --> 00:09:11,120 that uh something that's in the best 164 00:09:08,039 --> 00:09:13,399 interest of uh of uh things it's it's 165 00:09:11,120 --> 00:09:15,320 very transparent of course right really 166 00:09:13,399 --> 00:09:17,240 really Ultra transparent but you'd think 167 00:09:15,320 --> 00:09:20,000 it'd be appropriate to talk about those 168 00:09:17,240 --> 00:09:22,278 things before you go on local radio or 169 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:25,078 any kind of news or other things so but 170 00:09:22,278 --> 00:09:27,320 that's uh this is certainly an issue 171 00:09:25,078 --> 00:09:30,199 with the VAR standards and ex ethics 172 00:09:27,320 --> 00:09:33,278 that she is accusing us with that sense 173 00:09:30,200 --> 00:09:36,120 so uh and along those lines of standards 174 00:09:33,278 --> 00:09:37,919 and ethics because clerk mowler in the 175 00:09:36,120 --> 00:09:39,959 past has disparaged myself and my wife 176 00:09:37,919 --> 00:09:41,599 to Residents and Township employees and 177 00:09:39,958 --> 00:09:43,639 elected officials should we bring 178 00:09:41,600 --> 00:09:46,839 censored charges against her based on 179 00:09:43,639 --> 00:09:50,039 that too based on ethical issues I don't 180 00:09:46,839 --> 00:09:53,560 think so that doesn't serve the 181 00:09:50,039 --> 00:09:55,360 community are there other charges for 182 00:09:53,559 --> 00:09:56,759 other things going on in the township 183 00:09:55,360 --> 00:10:00,919 that would not also comply with 184 00:09:56,759 --> 00:10:02,600 standards and ethics issues 185 00:10:00,919 --> 00:10:04,399 such as maybe misuse of Township 186 00:10:02,600 --> 00:10:06,278 equipment or anything that else that we 187 00:10:04,399 --> 00:10:08,240 should consider in the same line as 188 00:10:06,278 --> 00:10:11,399 these resolutions are we going to get 189 00:10:08,240 --> 00:10:14,399 into a battle or a war of this this 190 00:10:11,399 --> 00:10:16,360 isn't what the this is not what the 191 00:10:14,399 --> 00:10:19,240 people voted for in this 192 00:10:16,360 --> 00:10:21,800 Township I think these uh resolutions 193 00:10:19,240 --> 00:10:25,120 are complete overreaction to the 194 00:10:21,799 --> 00:10:27,278 situation and not the way to Foster 195 00:10:25,120 --> 00:10:28,320 communication and growth and things of 196 00:10:27,278 --> 00:10:31,439 that 197 00:10:28,320 --> 00:10:35,240 nature the voters elected us to work 198 00:10:31,440 --> 00:10:39,000 together will that be perfect every time 199 00:10:35,240 --> 00:10:41,360 no no we don't live in a perfect world 200 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:43,078 of course it won't be perfect but to go 201 00:10:41,360 --> 00:10:44,720 to this extreme when no laws were 202 00:10:43,078 --> 00:10:46,479 violated and no evidence against 203 00:10:44,720 --> 00:10:49,120 standards and ethics violations were 204 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:51,720 included show that working together is 205 00:10:49,120 --> 00:10:53,278 not or may not be the agenda of trusty 206 00:10:51,720 --> 00:10:55,800 dolman Jersey and any of those who 207 00:10:53,278 --> 00:10:55,799 support this 208 00:10:56,919 --> 00:11:00,799 effort so with regard to the Planning 209 00:10:59,720 --> 00:11:03,160 Commission 210 00:11:00,799 --> 00:11:06,439 bylaws the Planning Commission bylaws 211 00:11:03,159 --> 00:11:09,278 were followed section 212 00:11:06,440 --> 00:11:11,600 412b States members shall be removed by 213 00:11:09,278 --> 00:11:14,559 the Township board for misfeasance 214 00:11:11,600 --> 00:11:17,759 malfeasance or nonfeasance in office 215 00:11:14,559 --> 00:11:19,879 upon written charges and after a public 216 00:11:17,759 --> 00:11:22,039 hearing bylaws are available on our 217 00:11:19,879 --> 00:11:25,639 website by the way for anybody who wants 218 00:11:22,039 --> 00:11:27,759 them it's right there uh this is also 219 00:11:25,639 --> 00:11:29,839 consist the the language that's used in 220 00:11:27,759 --> 00:11:32,759 the uh in the Michigan planning and 221 00:11:29,839 --> 00:11:35,680 enablement act as 222 00:11:32,759 --> 00:11:37,399 well the uh written charges were 223 00:11:35,679 --> 00:11:39,679 presented by the township supervisor 224 00:11:37,399 --> 00:11:42,120 Greg CS including a notice to appear 225 00:11:39,679 --> 00:11:45,559 before the Board of Trustees for 226 00:11:42,120 --> 00:11:45,560 review not for 227 00:11:46,480 --> 00:11:50,800 removal at no time were the charges 228 00:11:48,759 --> 00:11:53,200 represented as removal in themselves the 229 00:11:50,799 --> 00:11:55,759 charges were be followed 230 00:11:53,200 --> 00:11:57,839 up by the appearance of each planning 231 00:11:55,759 --> 00:11:59,759 commissioner in front of the board to 232 00:11:57,839 --> 00:12:02,480 answer those charges and only afterward 233 00:11:59,759 --> 00:12:05,958 the Board of Trustees would vote for or 234 00:12:02,480 --> 00:12:09,000 against the commissioner's 235 00:12:05,958 --> 00:12:13,319 removal the board has to 236 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:15,958 vote the board board has to vote for the 237 00:12:13,320 --> 00:12:18,920 appointment and the board has to point 238 00:12:15,958 --> 00:12:22,198 uh vote for the approval just to be very 239 00:12:18,919 --> 00:12:23,958 clear to those who are interested there 240 00:12:22,198 --> 00:12:25,799 seems to be really Confusion by some of 241 00:12:23,958 --> 00:12:28,838 the members of the board that section 242 00:12:25,799 --> 00:12:31,599 412b of the PC bylaws says that the 243 00:12:28,839 --> 00:12:33,839 board trustees must approve the charges 244 00:12:31,600 --> 00:12:36,560 in addition to all the steps leading up 245 00:12:33,839 --> 00:12:36,560 to a vote or 246 00:12:36,759 --> 00:12:40,958 dismissal the Michigan planning uh but 247 00:12:39,078 --> 00:12:43,719 they do 248 00:12:40,958 --> 00:12:48,198 not the Michigan planning enabling act 249 00:12:43,720 --> 00:12:52,240 act 33 of 20 uh 2008 section 250 00:12:48,198 --> 00:12:54,958 12538 159 says the legislative body May 251 00:12:52,240 --> 00:12:57,680 remove a member of the by the way the 252 00:12:54,958 --> 00:13:00,119 board we guys are the legislative body 253 00:12:57,679 --> 00:13:02,120 if you remember from our training 254 00:13:00,120 --> 00:13:03,159 the legislative body May remove a member 255 00:13:02,120 --> 00:13:05,879 of the Planning Commission for 256 00:13:03,159 --> 00:13:07,919 misfeasance malfeasant or nonfeasance in 257 00:13:05,879 --> 00:13:10,198 office upon written charges and after 258 00:13:07,919 --> 00:13:12,120 public hearing which is what the PC 259 00:13:10,198 --> 00:13:14,479 bylaw States that's what it's reflected 260 00:13:12,120 --> 00:13:17,360 however the law is 261 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:20,199 silent on how the charges are to be 262 00:13:17,360 --> 00:13:22,440 delivered by whom the charges are to be 263 00:13:20,198 --> 00:13:24,958 delivered and whether the Township Board 264 00:13:22,440 --> 00:13:27,519 must approve the charges prior to their 265 00:13:24,958 --> 00:13:29,119 delivery just says the board has to 266 00:13:27,519 --> 00:13:31,600 approve it the board is respons 267 00:13:29,120 --> 00:13:34,120 responsible to approve this but the 268 00:13:31,600 --> 00:13:35,680 mechanism to deliver them is not 269 00:13:34,120 --> 00:13:38,078 specified it's 270 00:13:35,679 --> 00:13:40,078 silent because both the law and the 271 00:13:38,078 --> 00:13:42,319 bylaws are silent on the issue there was 272 00:13:40,078 --> 00:13:42,319 no 273 00:13:44,480 --> 00:13:48,120 violation there was no effort to remove 274 00:13:46,639 --> 00:13:50,639 any planning Commissioners with this 275 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:52,320 charge of nonfeasance it's designed to 276 00:13:50,639 --> 00:13:54,799 just simply point out that the work was 277 00:13:52,320 --> 00:13:57,320 not being 278 00:13:54,799 --> 00:13:58,919 done regarding the charge of nonfeasance 279 00:13:57,320 --> 00:14:00,519 the initial charge based on attendance 280 00:13:58,919 --> 00:14:02,599 is very serious but it seems to be 281 00:14:00,519 --> 00:14:04,639 considered not a big deal by 282 00:14:02,600 --> 00:14:07,278 Commissioners some residents some board 283 00:14:04,639 --> 00:14:09,680 members attendance most of me most 284 00:14:07,278 --> 00:14:12,519 members will miss meetings at time from 285 00:14:09,679 --> 00:14:15,239 time to time I don't think anybody uh qu 286 00:14:12,519 --> 00:14:17,959 is is in a quandry about that and it's 287 00:14:15,240 --> 00:14:19,440 understandable when a member is absent 288 00:14:17,958 --> 00:14:22,000 they're not participating in the 289 00:14:19,440 --> 00:14:24,120 important decisions that needed to craft 290 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:26,600 the ordinances and plans that govern 291 00:14:24,120 --> 00:14:28,600 this Township because these votes affect 292 00:14:26,600 --> 00:14:31,000 the law that the township residents must 293 00:14:28,600 --> 00:14:33,079 follow residents deserve the full 294 00:14:31,000 --> 00:14:35,720 attention of each and every commissioner 295 00:14:33,078 --> 00:14:39,120 to be there as much as possible to come 296 00:14:35,720 --> 00:14:39,120 and to come prepared for each 297 00:14:39,559 --> 00:14:42,838 meeting that's exactly what's expected 298 00:14:41,919 --> 00:14:45,000 of this 299 00:14:42,839 --> 00:14:47,320 board might sound very hopefully it 300 00:14:45,000 --> 00:14:49,600 sounds very familiar an example of this 301 00:14:47,320 --> 00:14:51,000 would be commissioner wood uh during the 302 00:14:49,600 --> 00:14:52,720 public comments at a recent board 303 00:14:51,000 --> 00:14:54,480 meeting planning commissioner Bill wood 304 00:14:52,720 --> 00:14:57,240 stood up and commented that he had a 305 00:14:54,480 --> 00:14:59,039 deal with the last board uh that he 306 00:14:57,240 --> 00:15:01,039 didn't have to attend all the meetings 307 00:14:59,039 --> 00:15:04,000 because the nature of his 308 00:15:01,039 --> 00:15:05,559 job we were all here many of you were 309 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:08,519 here 310 00:15:05,559 --> 00:15:10,078 too well we need to investigate such 311 00:15:08,519 --> 00:15:12,440 deals and close them out because if 312 00:15:10,078 --> 00:15:15,559 we're going to allow these kind of uh 313 00:15:12,440 --> 00:15:17,920 deals to take place we're automatically 314 00:15:15,559 --> 00:15:20,278 handicapping the Planning Commission 315 00:15:17,919 --> 00:15:22,240 from having an effective full Planning 316 00:15:20,278 --> 00:15:24,679 Commission and discussions with regard 317 00:15:22,240 --> 00:15:27,639 to ordinances laws and things of that 318 00:15:24,679 --> 00:15:30,078 nature 319 00:15:27,639 --> 00:15:32,360 instead commissioner wood was elected as 320 00:15:30,078 --> 00:15:33,958 the PC secretary which is very 321 00:15:32,360 --> 00:15:37,159 interesting due to the fact that his 322 00:15:33,958 --> 00:15:40,318 attendance was only 50% based on public 323 00:15:37,159 --> 00:15:41,759 records have held meetings since the uh 324 00:15:40,318 --> 00:15:44,759 in 325 00:15:41,759 --> 00:15:47,039 2024 through 326 00:15:44,759 --> 00:15:49,079 November so how do how are you voted 327 00:15:47,039 --> 00:15:51,078 secr now voting a secretary is not a 328 00:15:49,078 --> 00:15:53,198 problem that's what that's what the 329 00:15:51,078 --> 00:15:55,958 commission wanted but how do you perform 330 00:15:53,198 --> 00:15:59,479 the duties of secretary when you're not 331 00:15:55,958 --> 00:16:01,758 there that much this is a problem 332 00:15:59,480 --> 00:16:03,759 it's a symptom there may be valid 333 00:16:01,759 --> 00:16:05,600 reasons for a commissioner that can a 334 00:16:03,759 --> 00:16:07,519 commissioner cannot attend but if the 335 00:16:05,600 --> 00:16:10,079 attendant drops below some reasonable 336 00:16:07,519 --> 00:16:13,120 amount then it would be long and if it's 337 00:16:10,078 --> 00:16:15,519 longterm like something that's ongoing 338 00:16:13,120 --> 00:16:17,959 uh and so on and so forth like the case 339 00:16:15,519 --> 00:16:20,959 of commissioner wood because his job was 340 00:16:17,958 --> 00:16:23,559 affected uh or health issues or family 341 00:16:20,958 --> 00:16:25,359 issues then the responsibil thing to do 342 00:16:23,559 --> 00:16:27,719 is to resign and allow the appointment 343 00:16:25,360 --> 00:16:29,919 of another commissioner so that we don't 344 00:16:27,720 --> 00:16:32,519 handicap the planning commission 345 00:16:29,919 --> 00:16:35,318 especially during important times like 346 00:16:32,519 --> 00:16:39,198 we just went through with the renewable 347 00:16:35,318 --> 00:16:40,719 energy solar wind battery writing of the 348 00:16:39,198 --> 00:16:43,559 master 349 00:16:40,720 --> 00:16:45,759 plan this is absolutely a critical time 350 00:16:43,559 --> 00:16:48,559 in this 351 00:16:45,759 --> 00:16:50,680 Township was this related to I'm not 352 00:16:48,559 --> 00:16:52,000 finished yet I'm sorry I apologize for 353 00:16:50,679 --> 00:16:55,719 that hold 354 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:57,440 on so it is in the best interest of the 355 00:16:55,720 --> 00:16:58,959 Planning Commission and it's the best 356 00:16:57,440 --> 00:17:01,240 interest of the township to have ever 357 00:16:58,958 --> 00:17:02,919 body present but that's not you know so 358 00:17:01,240 --> 00:17:06,318 attendance is important it's really 359 00:17:02,919 --> 00:17:08,038 important don't minimize it I'm 360 00:17:06,318 --> 00:17:12,318 explaining the reasons why these should 361 00:17:08,038 --> 00:17:13,119 be removed these uh um these resolutions 362 00:17:12,318 --> 00:17:16,599 for 363 00:17:13,119 --> 00:17:18,958 censure so it's on the agenda for 364 00:17:16,599 --> 00:17:21,558 discussion Chris it's not it's not going 365 00:17:18,959 --> 00:17:23,679 to be discussed if we can remove them 366 00:17:21,558 --> 00:17:27,078 I'm explaining which I have a right to 367 00:17:23,679 --> 00:17:30,360 do so please don't interrupt me 368 00:17:27,078 --> 00:17:31,879 again so other nonfeasance types of 369 00:17:30,359 --> 00:17:34,119 things that have been going on that I've 370 00:17:31,880 --> 00:17:37,080 observed that the Planning Commission 371 00:17:34,119 --> 00:17:39,038 has put us at legal cost and risk they 372 00:17:37,079 --> 00:17:41,038 received an application for special land 373 00:17:39,038 --> 00:17:43,960 use for caregiver operation under the 374 00:17:41,038 --> 00:17:48,400 mmma the Michigan medical marijuana act 375 00:17:43,960 --> 00:17:50,798 initiate a law one of 2008 or mmma uh 376 00:17:48,400 --> 00:17:53,798 the application was denied the PC was 377 00:17:50,798 --> 00:17:55,359 taken up uh the P we're getting off 378 00:17:53,798 --> 00:17:59,079 topic here we're supposed to be 379 00:17:55,359 --> 00:18:01,839 approving or not approving the agenda 380 00:17:59,079 --> 00:18:04,879 thank you and we don't need a 22 minute 381 00:18:01,839 --> 00:18:06,798 spe it is it's very important it isn't 382 00:18:04,880 --> 00:18:09,520 we need to make a vote on approving or 383 00:18:06,798 --> 00:18:12,519 not approving let them approve it we let 384 00:18:09,519 --> 00:18:15,279 so there's lots of other examples of 385 00:18:12,519 --> 00:18:19,079 non- fees why a motion to approve the 386 00:18:15,279 --> 00:18:24,558 agenda I second through motion all in 387 00:18:19,079 --> 00:18:24,558 favor say I I all in 388 00:18:26,720 --> 00:18:31,960 oh sorry for jumping the n 389 00:18:29,558 --> 00:18:31,960 that's all 390 00:18:35,759 --> 00:18:42,200 right well I guess I'll speak because um 391 00:18:40,200 --> 00:18:45,080 well F first we need to go to the 392 00:18:42,200 --> 00:18:47,440 approval of the consent 393 00:18:45,079 --> 00:18:51,000 agenda with the regular board meeting 394 00:18:47,440 --> 00:18:54,798 minutes for December 17 2024 the clerk's 395 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:59,679 wenson bills January 2nd 396 00:18:54,798 --> 00:18:59,679 2025 so move support 397 00:19:08,558 --> 00:19:12,960 so next we move on to Communications 398 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:15,159 number one Planning Commission approved 399 00:19:12,960 --> 00:19:17,640 meeting minutes December 10 400 00:19:15,159 --> 00:19:20,760 20124 number two Planning Commission 401 00:19:17,640 --> 00:19:23,880 meeting synopsis December 18 402 00:19:20,759 --> 00:19:25,679 2024 so in Reading um the Planning 403 00:19:23,880 --> 00:19:29,159 Commission approved meeting minutes 404 00:19:25,679 --> 00:19:29,159 number one 405 00:19:29,359 --> 00:19:36,399 let me get this 406 00:19:31,720 --> 00:19:39,240 here it states in the paragraph uh Rich 407 00:19:36,400 --> 00:19:41,919 Ericson nominated Chris Reta as Planning 408 00:19:39,240 --> 00:19:43,798 Commission Vice chairman Bill wood 409 00:19:41,919 --> 00:19:45,320 nominated Kevin Ross as Planning 410 00:19:43,798 --> 00:19:48,158 Commission Vice 411 00:19:45,319 --> 00:19:51,319 chairman Rich Ericson made a motion to 412 00:19:48,159 --> 00:19:54,320 elect Chris Reta as Vice chairman Chris 413 00:19:51,319 --> 00:19:55,798 Reta seconded the motion it was a tie 414 00:19:54,319 --> 00:19:59,000 vote 3 415 00:19:55,798 --> 00:20:01,558 to3 the nomination for vice chairman was 416 00:19:59,000 --> 00:20:04,359 tabled at the direction of supervisor 417 00:20:01,558 --> 00:20:07,279 Greg Kars who was in the 418 00:20:04,359 --> 00:20:09,399 audience so my concern is the supervisor 419 00:20:07,279 --> 00:20:11,639 doesn't have the authority to direct the 420 00:20:09,400 --> 00:20:14,880 Planning Commission yet it states in the 421 00:20:11,640 --> 00:20:17,679 minutes that you directed them to 422 00:20:14,880 --> 00:20:19,840 table their nominations nor should you 423 00:20:17,679 --> 00:20:22,559 be speaking at a Planning Commission 424 00:20:19,839 --> 00:20:26,558 meeting 425 00:20:22,558 --> 00:20:29,279 uh don't know if I directed did I that's 426 00:20:26,558 --> 00:20:31,079 what it states here in the minutes 427 00:20:29,279 --> 00:20:34,079 I think what he did didn't state it what 428 00:20:31,079 --> 00:20:37,038 he stated was in the zoning board when 429 00:20:34,079 --> 00:20:39,319 we had this situation what he did is we 430 00:20:37,038 --> 00:20:40,480 tabled that was the statement so maybe 431 00:20:39,319 --> 00:20:42,240 we need to start taking our minute 432 00:20:40,480 --> 00:20:45,919 meeting unit better well I'm just 433 00:20:42,240 --> 00:20:48,038 reading the board I did not tell them to 434 00:20:45,919 --> 00:20:50,799 do that he he made a suggestion based 435 00:20:48,038 --> 00:20:53,038 off what they do at the Z 436 00:20:50,798 --> 00:20:54,918 exactly and the question is should you 437 00:20:53,038 --> 00:20:57,400 making be making 438 00:20:54,919 --> 00:21:00,840 suggestions in a form of directing the 439 00:20:57,400 --> 00:21:00,840 Planning Commission he didn't 440 00:21:01,919 --> 00:21:07,159 direct comment is he shouldn't be 441 00:21:04,839 --> 00:21:09,480 speaking he didn't direct he said when 442 00:21:07,159 --> 00:21:12,559 we have this you this is what we 443 00:21:09,480 --> 00:21:15,038 do and I believe at that time they said 444 00:21:12,558 --> 00:21:16,879 okay that's what we're going to do well 445 00:21:15,038 --> 00:21:18,798 clearly they took direction from him 446 00:21:16,880 --> 00:21:21,320 that's what the minut 447 00:21:18,798 --> 00:21:24,119 St they're adults they can make a 448 00:21:21,319 --> 00:21:25,879 decision whether they ignore or follow 449 00:21:24,119 --> 00:21:28,639 that the fact that they follow it 450 00:21:25,880 --> 00:21:30,880 doesn't mean that they took Direction 451 00:21:28,640 --> 00:21:30,880 from 452 00:21:31,319 --> 00:21:38,639 him I even think they ask 453 00:21:35,440 --> 00:21:42,640 me i' have to review I'd have 454 00:21:38,640 --> 00:21:44,360 to we have to look at it I but 455 00:21:42,640 --> 00:21:47,038 I 456 00:21:44,359 --> 00:21:51,000 yeah 457 00:21:47,038 --> 00:21:51,000 um so we're not approve 458 00:21:51,558 --> 00:21:55,879 the no it's fine I'm just making a point 459 00:21:54,200 --> 00:21:57,400 that the supervisor doesn't have 460 00:21:55,880 --> 00:21:59,720 authority to direct the Planning 461 00:21:57,400 --> 00:22:02,200 Commission I and well you haven't proved 462 00:21:59,720 --> 00:22:04,798 that that exactly what happened either 463 00:22:02,200 --> 00:22:07,080 again more ACC we need more accurate 464 00:22:04,798 --> 00:22:09,440 minutes or to go look at and review the 465 00:22:07,079 --> 00:22:11,119 video before bringing bringing that kind 466 00:22:09,440 --> 00:22:13,880 of an accusation 467 00:22:11,119 --> 00:22:16,439 right the accusation stems from the 468 00:22:13,880 --> 00:22:18,559 minutes that I'm reading provided by of 469 00:22:16,440 --> 00:22:20,278 course but the minutes are never wrong 470 00:22:18,558 --> 00:22:22,399 we know that the minutes are never 471 00:22:20,278 --> 00:22:24,359 complete they don't have to be they 472 00:22:22,400 --> 00:22:26,200 don't have to be complete has right to 473 00:22:24,359 --> 00:22:28,079 question what was printed in the packet 474 00:22:26,200 --> 00:22:29,278 she has every right to question that 475 00:22:28,079 --> 00:22:31,199 respect 476 00:22:29,278 --> 00:22:33,599 we're we're responding we have a right 477 00:22:31,200 --> 00:22:37,240 to respond make accusations I didn't 478 00:22:33,599 --> 00:22:41,079 make an accusation okay I exactly what's 479 00:22:37,240 --> 00:22:43,880 in here okay come on are we are we going 480 00:22:41,079 --> 00:22:46,839 to 481 00:22:43,880 --> 00:22:49,880 approve the 482 00:22:46,839 --> 00:22:51,678 communications I'll make a motion to 483 00:22:49,880 --> 00:22:55,360 approve Communications one and two in 484 00:22:51,679 --> 00:22:55,360 place on file I support 485 00:22:55,400 --> 00:23:08,360 it all all in favor I I oppose me I'm 486 00:23:03,359 --> 00:23:10,558 opposed am minuts are not accurate okay 487 00:23:08,359 --> 00:23:13,558 correct public 488 00:23:10,558 --> 00:23:13,558 remarks 489 00:23:15,839 --> 00:23:22,199 Scott SC white this is exactly what we 490 00:23:19,319 --> 00:23:22,200 don't need for four 491 00:23:23,960 --> 00:23:29,079 years I just want to bring your 492 00:23:26,079 --> 00:23:31,038 attention is this working think so turn 493 00:23:29,079 --> 00:23:34,439 it on I just want to say I come here a 494 00:23:31,038 --> 00:23:37,440 lot been here most time been here for 495 00:23:34,440 --> 00:23:40,960 years just before all the hoop 496 00:23:37,440 --> 00:23:44,000 here turn it we had meetings is it and 497 00:23:40,960 --> 00:23:46,038 I'm I'm g go back use the mic M I'm 498 00:23:44,000 --> 00:23:47,440 going to go back to the Liberty house 499 00:23:46,038 --> 00:23:50,440 with the Planning 500 00:23:47,440 --> 00:23:53,200 Commission the Planning Commission was 501 00:23:50,440 --> 00:23:56,519 working to try to approve Scott use the 502 00:23:53,200 --> 00:23:59,278 mic so the video audience can hear wait 503 00:23:56,519 --> 00:24:01,079 can I make a comment first the per first 504 00:23:59,278 --> 00:24:03,038 public comment is only I know but this 505 00:24:01,079 --> 00:24:05,439 is pertaining to you're going to punish 506 00:24:03,038 --> 00:24:08,599 somebody if you're going to punish 507 00:24:05,440 --> 00:24:12,080 people the first public comment is for 508 00:24:08,599 --> 00:24:13,798 agenda items only okay it is it is 509 00:24:12,079 --> 00:24:15,720 you're going to censor these people but 510 00:24:13,798 --> 00:24:19,440 you're telling us about saying something 511 00:24:15,720 --> 00:24:21,960 about I don't see Li we got allp just 512 00:24:19,440 --> 00:24:24,440 hold on just a second you're cing people 513 00:24:21,960 --> 00:24:26,038 here right doesn't have to do with the 514 00:24:24,440 --> 00:24:27,440 Liberty house what it does because 515 00:24:26,038 --> 00:24:28,640 you're censoring them for the same thing 516 00:24:27,440 --> 00:24:31,360 the Planning Commission did on the 517 00:24:28,640 --> 00:24:33,320 Liberty house you were told by this 518 00:24:31,359 --> 00:24:34,278 attorney that the offer they made the 519 00:24:33,319 --> 00:24:36,240 Liberty 520 00:24:34,278 --> 00:24:39,000 house was 521 00:24:36,240 --> 00:24:41,679 illegal did I ask for the anybody on the 522 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:45,398 Planning Commission to 523 00:24:41,679 --> 00:24:48,120 resign did I ask anybody to resign the 524 00:24:45,398 --> 00:24:52,398 Planning Commission M earlier they 525 00:24:48,119 --> 00:24:56,119 offered her a deal to approve that 526 00:24:52,398 --> 00:24:58,519 split if she promised the township she 527 00:24:56,119 --> 00:25:00,000 would not build 528 00:24:58,519 --> 00:25:02,000 and the attorney sit there and told him 529 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:04,558 he never heard anything about it he 530 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:06,919 never approved that and it was illegal 531 00:25:04,558 --> 00:25:08,200 so yes this is pertaining to this if 532 00:25:06,919 --> 00:25:10,960 you're going to hold people accountable 533 00:25:08,200 --> 00:25:13,120 you got to go back we can go back 14 534 00:25:10,960 --> 00:25:14,720 years you want to pull up all this stuff 535 00:25:13,119 --> 00:25:18,439 Ben at Lake Urban 536 00:25:14,720 --> 00:25:20,839 Lake I can do it listen you guys the 537 00:25:18,440 --> 00:25:23,399 center is something that happens I know 538 00:25:20,839 --> 00:25:24,639 if you made a mistake fine let's eat it 539 00:25:23,398 --> 00:25:28,398 okay let's move 540 00:25:24,640 --> 00:25:30,880 on okay Y and thanks I could ask those 541 00:25:28,398 --> 00:25:33,278 guys all to resign I'm very upset about 542 00:25:30,880 --> 00:25:35,080 that I know it was the Liberty house 543 00:25:33,278 --> 00:25:37,519 okay but you know my neighbors and I we 544 00:25:35,079 --> 00:25:39,558 want to be safe there and we couldn't 545 00:25:37,519 --> 00:25:41,480 even get a fence put up okay okay but 546 00:25:39,558 --> 00:25:42,960 but I'm just saying but this is what we 547 00:25:41,480 --> 00:25:45,599 want but I'm going to get on here make 548 00:25:42,960 --> 00:25:47,278 it quick okay but these laptops and 549 00:25:45,599 --> 00:25:49,558 phones don't you're going to put the 550 00:25:47,278 --> 00:25:53,798 timer on now we listen to Chris come on 551 00:25:49,558 --> 00:25:57,480 get off of it um the laptops and phones 552 00:25:53,798 --> 00:25:59,720 um you know no no I don't I'm not for 553 00:25:57,480 --> 00:26:01,519 that but uh I'm going to get into some 554 00:25:59,720 --> 00:26:03,159 stuff here there's some stuff that needs 555 00:26:01,519 --> 00:26:05,359 to be taken care of you have to stay on 556 00:26:03,159 --> 00:26:07,080 the agenda though I'm going to right now 557 00:26:05,359 --> 00:26:08,278 we're going to get into it later on so 558 00:26:07,079 --> 00:26:12,839 these people want to know some stuff 559 00:26:08,278 --> 00:26:12,839 we're going to hear some stuff all right 560 00:26:13,798 --> 00:26:17,240 next anybody 561 00:26:21,599 --> 00:26:25,759 else come on 562 00:26:34,599 --> 00:26:42,519 turn is it your place to talk okay Kurt 563 00:26:39,079 --> 00:26:46,158 it's okay just let it go uh Kurt Schultz 564 00:26:42,519 --> 00:26:48,398 Silver Lake Estates y uh I want to speak 565 00:26:46,159 --> 00:26:51,320 in regards to the uh 566 00:26:48,398 --> 00:26:53,038 censure you know um I'm really 567 00:26:51,319 --> 00:26:54,439 embarrassed to even be up here 568 00:26:53,038 --> 00:26:57,398 discussing 569 00:26:54,440 --> 00:26:59,440 this seems to me that I had to listen 570 00:26:57,398 --> 00:27:01,119 for three and a half years to 571 00:26:59,440 --> 00:27:04,679 transparency in 572 00:27:01,119 --> 00:27:08,798 government and uh 573 00:27:04,679 --> 00:27:10,759 preaching that uh we're going to be open 574 00:27:08,798 --> 00:27:13,679 on everything yeah what's the first 575 00:27:10,759 --> 00:27:15,960 thing that happens you violate the open 576 00:27:13,679 --> 00:27:18,919 meetings 577 00:27:15,960 --> 00:27:20,558 act and it only took you three weeks to 578 00:27:18,919 --> 00:27:23,399 do 579 00:27:20,558 --> 00:27:25,398 that you you violated the trust of the 580 00:27:23,398 --> 00:27:27,879 people 581 00:27:25,398 --> 00:27:29,839 here you know I I wouldn't be surprised 582 00:27:27,880 --> 00:27:31,400 if we get a 583 00:27:29,839 --> 00:27:32,720 recall you 584 00:27:31,400 --> 00:27:35,440 [Music] 585 00:27:32,720 --> 00:27:37,038 know I I just don't get that you sit and 586 00:27:35,440 --> 00:27:39,000 smile because that's the comment you 587 00:27:37,038 --> 00:27:41,919 made to me all the 588 00:27:39,000 --> 00:27:42,960 time so you know you got to know what 589 00:27:41,919 --> 00:27:45,880 you don't 590 00:27:42,960 --> 00:27:49,000 know that man right over there he's the 591 00:27:45,880 --> 00:27:50,960 guy to talk to when you do stuff and you 592 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:53,359 don't do it without the approval of the 593 00:27:50,960 --> 00:27:57,159 rest of the 594 00:27:53,359 --> 00:27:59,240 board now it's going to be really ugly 595 00:27:57,159 --> 00:28:00,840 here because they're going to have to 596 00:27:59,240 --> 00:28:02,960 vote on 597 00:28:00,839 --> 00:28:04,359 this and they're going to have to vote 598 00:28:02,960 --> 00:28:08,000 to censure 599 00:28:04,359 --> 00:28:11,278 people why because they 600 00:28:08,000 --> 00:28:14,240 should sit and smile 601 00:28:11,278 --> 00:28:18,119 there you know 602 00:28:14,240 --> 00:28:21,519 um the residents here expected 603 00:28:18,119 --> 00:28:25,439 more what we didn't expect more of is 604 00:28:21,519 --> 00:28:28,759 for you to come in and simply try to 605 00:28:25,440 --> 00:28:30,960 push through stuff without following the 606 00:28:28,759 --> 00:28:34,759 process and the problem is you don't 607 00:28:30,960 --> 00:28:37,798 know the process he does and all he's 608 00:28:34,759 --> 00:28:40,798 your reference point and okay so we 609 00:28:37,798 --> 00:28:43,759 don't do we don't care about lawsuits we 610 00:28:40,798 --> 00:28:47,558 don't care about who sues us I got news 611 00:28:43,759 --> 00:28:49,798 for you your job is a risk manager here 612 00:28:47,558 --> 00:28:52,038 you manage the risk for the 613 00:28:49,798 --> 00:28:54,038 township you take the 614 00:28:52,038 --> 00:28:55,440 responsibility to make sure we don't get 615 00:28:54,038 --> 00:28:58,119 into frivolous 616 00:28:55,440 --> 00:29:00,679 lawsuits that when we do have a law 617 00:28:58,119 --> 00:29:02,759 lawsuit is one that we think we can win 618 00:29:00,679 --> 00:29:03,798 or we know that the what the results are 619 00:29:02,759 --> 00:29:06,119 going to 620 00:29:03,798 --> 00:29:08,319 be and that's your 621 00:29:06,119 --> 00:29:09,839 responsibility but no we're going to 622 00:29:08,319 --> 00:29:12,558 spend time 623 00:29:09,839 --> 00:29:14,519 censuring because people can't follow 624 00:29:12,558 --> 00:29:19,798 the rules that are in 625 00:29:14,519 --> 00:29:24,000 place I'm embarrassed for you you three 626 00:29:19,798 --> 00:29:24,000 especially thank you 627 00:29:29,558 --> 00:29:34,918 go ahead 628 00:29:31,960 --> 00:29:37,000 Zach good evening Zack Tucker Lake Brook 629 00:29:34,919 --> 00:29:38,880 Drive I'll be real brief I just want to 630 00:29:37,000 --> 00:29:42,440 encourage the board to listen to the 631 00:29:38,880 --> 00:29:44,960 Township's attorney instead of speeches 632 00:29:42,440 --> 00:29:47,960 um attorney's a resource should be used 633 00:29:44,960 --> 00:29:50,200 I EO Kur I Echo Kurt's comments in that 634 00:29:47,960 --> 00:29:52,278 regard something else I I want to bring 635 00:29:50,200 --> 00:29:54,038 to the board's very specific attention I 636 00:29:52,278 --> 00:29:57,798 think could very easily get lost in the 637 00:29:54,038 --> 00:30:00,919 noise I I find it pretty incredible that 638 00:29:57,798 --> 00:30:03,679 a politician who ran on a conservative 639 00:30:00,919 --> 00:30:05,440 platform a few weeks into his term is 640 00:30:03,679 --> 00:30:09,399 asking the board to provide him with 641 00:30:05,440 --> 00:30:12,840 business cards and a cell phone and a 642 00:30:09,398 --> 00:30:14,479 laptop um I just want the board to know 643 00:30:12,839 --> 00:30:16,639 I'm on the list of conservative 644 00:30:14,480 --> 00:30:19,919 residents that is definitely opposed to 645 00:30:16,640 --> 00:30:19,919 that so thank 646 00:30:21,079 --> 00:30:25,079 you Janette 647 00:30:28,359 --> 00:30:35,479 [Music] 648 00:30:31,038 --> 00:30:38,720 okay you I'm not sitting down okay okay 649 00:30:35,480 --> 00:30:40,919 that's fine um Janette Retta Tyrone 650 00:30:38,720 --> 00:30:43,120 Township resident um you may have 651 00:30:40,919 --> 00:30:45,640 noticed somebody stood up two people 652 00:30:43,119 --> 00:30:49,239 before me older gentleman didn't say his 653 00:30:45,640 --> 00:30:50,519 name that's Kurt Schultz he was on the 654 00:30:49,240 --> 00:30:54,640 uh board 655 00:30:50,519 --> 00:30:54,640 earlier pardon me 656 00:30:55,119 --> 00:30:59,798 and stick the agenda yeah I will but 657 00:30:58,200 --> 00:31:02,919 he's the one who wanted to slap me 658 00:30:59,798 --> 00:31:06,679 across my effing face okay that's the 659 00:31:02,919 --> 00:31:09,240 guy okay so now that we know who all he 660 00:31:06,679 --> 00:31:11,038 is um it's really surprising and 661 00:31:09,240 --> 00:31:13,359 honestly disappointing to see so many 662 00:31:11,038 --> 00:31:16,440 people here tonight for what feels like 663 00:31:13,359 --> 00:31:18,240 a Witch Hunt imagine if even a quarter 664 00:31:16,440 --> 00:31:20,679 of this group regularly attended 665 00:31:18,240 --> 00:31:22,079 meetings that truly shape our community 666 00:31:20,679 --> 00:31:23,840 like the last Planning Commission 667 00:31:22,079 --> 00:31:25,638 meeting that was the meeting that was 668 00:31:23,839 --> 00:31:27,439 held the day after the last board 669 00:31:25,638 --> 00:31:29,439 meeting which was very contentious 670 00:31:27,440 --> 00:31:31,320 meeting but let me tell you something 671 00:31:29,440 --> 00:31:33,720 about that Planning Commission meeting 672 00:31:31,319 --> 00:31:34,960 it was drastically different from every 673 00:31:33,720 --> 00:31:37,240 Planning Commission meeting I've 674 00:31:34,960 --> 00:31:39,360 attended in nearly four years and I sent 675 00:31:37,240 --> 00:31:41,519 John Ward a message I didn't want a 676 00:31:39,359 --> 00:31:43,519 message back I just said great you did a 677 00:31:41,519 --> 00:31:45,679 great job it was it was a really good 678 00:31:43,519 --> 00:31:48,319 meeting and unfortunately there were 679 00:31:45,679 --> 00:31:50,159 only five residents there and we get 680 00:31:48,319 --> 00:31:51,558 this when it's a Witch Hunt but we don't 681 00:31:50,159 --> 00:31:54,679 get people to show up for the things 682 00:31:51,558 --> 00:31:56,119 that matter and yes I've attended every 683 00:31:54,679 --> 00:31:57,440 nearly every board and Planning 684 00:31:56,119 --> 00:31:59,038 Commission meeting and I have a better 685 00:31:57,440 --> 00:32:01,120 attendance than most of the planning 686 00:31:59,038 --> 00:32:03,000 Commissioners and honestly I believe I 687 00:32:01,119 --> 00:32:05,518 have a better grasp on the issues from 688 00:32:03,000 --> 00:32:08,759 some of them as compared to some of them 689 00:32:05,519 --> 00:32:10,319 because attendance matters because you 690 00:32:08,759 --> 00:32:12,720 can't learn about the issues if you 691 00:32:10,319 --> 00:32:14,439 don't attend the meetings in the past 692 00:32:12,720 --> 00:32:16,919 most of the planning Commissioners came 693 00:32:14,440 --> 00:32:18,600 unprepared and rarely participated in 694 00:32:16,919 --> 00:32:21,278 meaningful discussions all you need to 695 00:32:18,599 --> 00:32:23,719 do is look at the the videos but the 696 00:32:21,278 --> 00:32:25,638 last meeting and I'm giving praise here 697 00:32:23,720 --> 00:32:28,159 after receiving from the letter from the 698 00:32:25,638 --> 00:32:30,359 supervisor KS it was a complete 699 00:32:28,159 --> 00:32:32,919 different story every commissioner was 700 00:32:30,359 --> 00:32:35,319 present one was about an hour late but 701 00:32:32,919 --> 00:32:37,320 he was there and what really stood out 702 00:32:35,319 --> 00:32:39,678 was the level of preparation they asked 703 00:32:37,319 --> 00:32:41,480 thoughtful questions they referenced the 704 00:32:39,679 --> 00:32:43,679 packet they participated in real 705 00:32:41,480 --> 00:32:46,079 discussions it was not the kind of 706 00:32:43,679 --> 00:32:47,480 meeting that it was the kind of meeting 707 00:32:46,079 --> 00:32:49,918 that should be the 708 00:32:47,480 --> 00:32:53,720 norm and so what 709 00:32:49,919 --> 00:32:55,200 changed I'm almost done y they realize 710 00:32:53,720 --> 00:32:57,079 that they are being watched and this has 711 00:32:55,200 --> 00:32:58,720 to be with it has to do with the centry 712 00:32:57,079 --> 00:33:01,158 letter cuz you're 713 00:32:58,720 --> 00:33:02,960 censoring I mean that they realized they 714 00:33:01,159 --> 00:33:04,799 might actually be held accountable for 715 00:33:02,960 --> 00:33:07,639 their lack of participation that was 716 00:33:04,798 --> 00:33:10,038 what was different the very letter that 717 00:33:07,638 --> 00:33:13,240 has been so overblown in this room 718 00:33:10,038 --> 00:33:15,359 tonight overblown online as a former 719 00:33:13,240 --> 00:33:18,399 supervisor's wife has been spewing her 720 00:33:15,359 --> 00:33:20,278 propaganda online and let me be clear 721 00:33:18,398 --> 00:33:22,359 gre's letter wasn't a public 722 00:33:20,278 --> 00:33:24,558 condemnation it wasn't accusatory it was 723 00:33:22,359 --> 00:33:25,918 an attempt to encourage the Planning 724 00:33:24,558 --> 00:33:29,200 Commission to do the job they were 725 00:33:25,919 --> 00:33:30,360 appointed to do and guess what it worked 726 00:33:29,200 --> 00:33:32,679 now the fact that the Planning 727 00:33:30,359 --> 00:33:35,319 Commission appears to have taken a more 728 00:33:32,679 --> 00:33:37,559 serious attitude in doing their job 729 00:33:35,319 --> 00:33:40,000 doesn't absolve them from the past all 730 00:33:37,558 --> 00:33:41,599 right thanks thanks Jun Greg when you 731 00:33:40,000 --> 00:33:44,480 said that this was the main thing that 732 00:33:41,599 --> 00:33:46,439 you were going to do so get rid of we 733 00:33:44,480 --> 00:33:48,960 are going to get rid of it but you are 734 00:33:46,440 --> 00:33:51,399 going to get rid of it yeah EV I can't 735 00:33:48,960 --> 00:33:53,120 finish my thought this is the most 736 00:33:51,398 --> 00:33:55,119 important night Greg and you're going to 737 00:33:53,119 --> 00:33:57,239 listen to these ladies on both sides of 738 00:33:55,119 --> 00:33:58,319 you that are telling you to shut me up 739 00:33:57,240 --> 00:34:00,919 it's okay 740 00:33:58,319 --> 00:34:03,480 it's not okay I'm I'm ready to talk 741 00:34:00,919 --> 00:34:05,240 myself not I'm ready to move on to the 742 00:34:03,480 --> 00:34:12,519 new business thank 743 00:34:05,240 --> 00:34:12,519 you not okay it is it's okay anybody 744 00:34:12,599 --> 00:34:18,159 else yeah 745 00:34:15,599 --> 00:34:20,440 Kevin keep this guy on 746 00:34:18,159 --> 00:34:23,530 timer 747 00:34:20,440 --> 00:34:23,530 [Music] 748 00:34:24,199 --> 00:34:28,678 yeah hold on 749 00:34:26,239 --> 00:34:30,279 Kevin all right 750 00:34:28,679 --> 00:34:32,119 okay sorry thank you Chris for your 751 00:34:30,280 --> 00:34:33,280 filibuster earlier I really appreciate 752 00:34:32,119 --> 00:34:35,760 that thank 753 00:34:33,280 --> 00:34:37,440 you guys last time I was here and I 754 00:34:35,760 --> 00:34:40,040 graced the room the air was thick with 755 00:34:37,440 --> 00:34:42,320 smoke and even the Watchers looked for 756 00:34:40,039 --> 00:34:44,000 fire but couldn't find it so I went 757 00:34:42,320 --> 00:34:46,679 ahead and lit it I called for the 758 00:34:44,000 --> 00:34:49,440 resignations of Chris Reta Dean hos Greg 759 00:34:46,679 --> 00:34:51,720 KS spoiler alert since then their 760 00:34:49,440 --> 00:34:54,280 greatest hits have only gotten longer 761 00:34:51,719 --> 00:34:56,838 this Township deserves transparency the 762 00:34:54,280 --> 00:35:00,440 thing that you guys ran on and you lied 763 00:34:56,838 --> 00:35:03,039 about I hope the V voters are 764 00:35:00,440 --> 00:35:04,760 watching let's start with the unapproved 765 00:35:03,039 --> 00:35:08,039 and illegal board action orchestrated by 766 00:35:04,760 --> 00:35:10,119 Chris Dean and Greg while Greg was busy 767 00:35:08,039 --> 00:35:12,000 soaking up the floorida sunshine 768 00:35:10,119 --> 00:35:14,680 coordination across state lines a 769 00:35:12,000 --> 00:35:17,199 sidestep proper procedure is a bold move 770 00:35:14,679 --> 00:35:19,319 guys meanwhile back at the ranch last 771 00:35:17,199 --> 00:35:21,199 board meeting adjourning Dean took it 772 00:35:19,320 --> 00:35:23,760 upon himself to scream in the face of 773 00:35:21,199 --> 00:35:25,399 truste s Sarah dolman Jersey you know 774 00:35:23,760 --> 00:35:27,880 one of four adults on the board here 775 00:35:25,400 --> 00:35:30,960 trying to keep things lawful Dean 776 00:35:27,880 --> 00:35:33,280 yelling at somebody who is who for doing 777 00:35:30,960 --> 00:35:34,559 their job isn't just tacky but it's 778 00:35:33,280 --> 00:35:36,280 really unprofessional when you try to 779 00:35:34,559 --> 00:35:38,320 get your wife into it as well but then 780 00:35:36,280 --> 00:35:39,720 again you've never let professionalism 781 00:35:38,320 --> 00:35:41,440 get in your way have you and I'm 782 00:35:39,719 --> 00:35:43,959 referring to your stunt with that fake 783 00:35:41,440 --> 00:35:46,400 letter to try to charge us at the PC and 784 00:35:43,960 --> 00:35:48,639 Greg welcome back for your second out 785 00:35:46,400 --> 00:35:51,480 ofate Adventure since taking office 786 00:35:48,639 --> 00:35:53,799 first Florida and now California and by 787 00:35:51,480 --> 00:35:56,400 the way hope the weather was worth it 788 00:35:53,800 --> 00:35:59,680 now let's in the words of John Ward 789 00:35:56,400 --> 00:36:02,318 shush now let's talk about your newfound 790 00:35:59,679 --> 00:36:04,598 wish list shiny new laptops emails 791 00:36:02,318 --> 00:36:07,199 phones and even business cards how 792 00:36:04,599 --> 00:36:09,480 precious who are you trying to impress 793 00:36:07,199 --> 00:36:11,118 here we know this isn't about efficiency 794 00:36:09,480 --> 00:36:13,639 it's about keeping your little side 795 00:36:11,119 --> 00:36:16,760 chats safely tucked away from foyer 796 00:36:13,639 --> 00:36:19,159 requests news flash Dirty Laundry always 797 00:36:16,760 --> 00:36:21,359 finds a way to the clothesline oh and I 798 00:36:19,159 --> 00:36:23,159 hear there's a cent on the docket today 799 00:36:21,358 --> 00:36:25,920 let's let me be clear a symbolic 800 00:36:23,159 --> 00:36:28,838 reprimand is insufficient the township 801 00:36:25,920 --> 00:36:31,240 deserves leaders who prioritize ethical 802 00:36:28,838 --> 00:36:33,239 governance over personal agendas this 803 00:36:31,239 --> 00:36:34,598 Township deserves leaders who care about 804 00:36:33,239 --> 00:36:37,479 ethics not people who treat 805 00:36:34,599 --> 00:36:39,200 accountability like an optional upgrade 806 00:36:37,480 --> 00:36:42,159 how many more financial penalties and 807 00:36:39,199 --> 00:36:44,399 reputational hits do we need before you 808 00:36:42,159 --> 00:36:46,799 take responsibility so let me say it 809 00:36:44,400 --> 00:36:49,838 louder for the people in the back Chris 810 00:36:46,800 --> 00:36:51,760 Dean Greg your ego is not your Amigo 811 00:36:49,838 --> 00:36:54,159 it's time to resign step aside and let 812 00:36:51,760 --> 00:36:56,079 Leaders with a shred of Integrity do the 813 00:36:54,159 --> 00:36:58,920 job the clock is ticking and the 814 00:36:56,079 --> 00:37:00,760 township can't afford your I anymore if 815 00:36:58,920 --> 00:37:02,680 you truly care about this community 816 00:37:00,760 --> 00:37:04,280 you'll stop playing government dress up 817 00:37:02,679 --> 00:37:06,759 and make room for people who actually 818 00:37:04,280 --> 00:37:06,760 know what they're 819 00:37:16,838 --> 00:37:22,599 doing I don't 820 00:37:19,199 --> 00:37:22,598 know are we all 821 00:37:25,079 --> 00:37:29,280 done all right 822 00:37:32,639 --> 00:37:36,440 uh do we have any unfinished 823 00:37:34,489 --> 00:37:38,679 [Music] 824 00:37:36,440 --> 00:37:43,000 business 825 00:37:38,679 --> 00:37:44,480 see nope okay and we'll move on to uh 826 00:37:43,000 --> 00:37:51,679 new 827 00:37:44,480 --> 00:37:51,679 business and the discussion of uh my 828 00:37:53,880 --> 00:37:57,880 centure um 829 00:37:59,838 --> 00:38:07,159 I guess I talk I think we should ask um 830 00:38:03,358 --> 00:38:11,119 our attorney chuck if he can underline 831 00:38:07,159 --> 00:38:14,838 um the laws that were 832 00:38:11,119 --> 00:38:18,880 violated when those letters went 833 00:38:14,838 --> 00:38:18,880 out laws were 834 00:38:19,159 --> 00:38:23,399 violated I don't have no 835 00:38:24,519 --> 00:38:30,039 fact could you speak in the microphone 836 00:38:26,838 --> 00:38:32,960 please thank you I don't have enough 837 00:38:30,039 --> 00:38:32,960 facts to tell 838 00:38:40,599 --> 00:38:43,880 you should 839 00:38:45,679 --> 00:38:51,838 be there I can hear you so you got it 840 00:38:48,679 --> 00:38:53,440 can you hear me now y yes I don't know 841 00:38:51,838 --> 00:38:54,920 enough facts to tell you whether there's 842 00:38:53,440 --> 00:38:57,519 been any laws 843 00:38:54,920 --> 00:39:00,358 violated um a violation of the open 844 00:38:57,519 --> 00:39:01,199 meetings act would require um at least 845 00:39:00,358 --> 00:39:03,400 four 846 00:39:01,199 --> 00:39:04,759 members I have no idea whether that 847 00:39:03,400 --> 00:39:07,920 happened and 848 00:39:04,760 --> 00:39:10,280 frankly um if there were violations out 849 00:39:07,920 --> 00:39:14,559 there you wouldn't want me to be telling 850 00:39:10,280 --> 00:39:14,560 you at this board meeting of 851 00:39:14,639 --> 00:39:23,480 that may I comment on the op meeting act 852 00:39:20,800 --> 00:39:27,480 violation 853 00:39:23,480 --> 00:39:27,480 supposedly um 854 00:39:29,159 --> 00:39:32,639 all four 855 00:39:33,358 --> 00:39:41,000 trustees and myself knew or were 856 00:39:38,000 --> 00:39:45,639 disappointed in the Planning Commission 857 00:39:41,000 --> 00:39:49,079 we knew this well before we were elected 858 00:39:45,639 --> 00:39:52,199 and yes the five of us sat down talked 859 00:39:49,079 --> 00:39:54,160 about it and were elected for one of 860 00:39:52,199 --> 00:39:59,318 those reasons that was one of the 861 00:39:54,159 --> 00:39:59,318 platforms that all five of us ran on 862 00:40:00,318 --> 00:40:04,318 correct after we were 863 00:40:04,599 --> 00:40:11,960 elected after we were elected not sworn 864 00:40:08,039 --> 00:40:17,679 in after we were elected we did not 865 00:40:11,960 --> 00:40:22,000 violate the opens meeting act at 866 00:40:17,679 --> 00:40:22,000 all we did not violate 867 00:40:22,519 --> 00:40:28,400 it the only 868 00:40:24,838 --> 00:40:30,119 two that knew about the letter 869 00:40:28,400 --> 00:40:35,400 the 870 00:40:30,119 --> 00:40:38,240 letter was Dean and Chris I apologize 871 00:40:35,400 --> 00:40:40,960 for getting you guys involved in this 872 00:40:38,239 --> 00:40:43,000 but I have I have a question for you 873 00:40:40,960 --> 00:40:47,599 Char 874 00:40:43,000 --> 00:40:50,719 um as as Chris pointed out the law is 875 00:40:47,599 --> 00:40:52,280 very silent on how the letter can be 876 00:40:50,719 --> 00:40:55,039 supplied to the the board members 877 00:40:52,280 --> 00:40:57,599 correct yes so they would look for a 878 00:40:55,039 --> 00:41:00,279 precedent as to what what what would do 879 00:40:57,599 --> 00:41:02,800 that right when you say they would look 880 00:41:00,280 --> 00:41:04,480 to a for if this was go to court of law 881 00:41:02,800 --> 00:41:06,280 he would look for some precedence Sy a 882 00:41:04,480 --> 00:41:08,920 way it should where he could come up 883 00:41:06,280 --> 00:41:12,000 with an idea of how it might be done if 884 00:41:08,920 --> 00:41:14,358 if there were a hypothetical lawsuit and 885 00:41:12,000 --> 00:41:17,119 there is no statutory guidance and 886 00:41:14,358 --> 00:41:19,199 there's no case law guidance then a 887 00:41:17,119 --> 00:41:21,280 judge would have to make that decision 888 00:41:19,199 --> 00:41:23,159 if there is case law guidance generally 889 00:41:21,280 --> 00:41:25,640 speaking the trial courts follow the 890 00:41:23,159 --> 00:41:27,440 case law guidance because it's case law 891 00:41:25,639 --> 00:41:29,118 established by a higher court court 892 00:41:27,440 --> 00:41:31,760 appeal Supreme Court so so I'm going to 893 00:41:29,119 --> 00:41:32,800 ask you this based on the fact that in 894 00:41:31,760 --> 00:41:36,480 our 895 00:41:32,800 --> 00:41:39,519 bylaws when we appoint a Planning 896 00:41:36,480 --> 00:41:40,920 Commission person the process is Mr con 897 00:41:39,519 --> 00:41:43,358 does not have supervisor does not have 898 00:41:40,920 --> 00:41:46,240 to go out to the the public he doesn't 899 00:41:43,358 --> 00:41:48,679 have to put out a notice of of opening 900 00:41:46,239 --> 00:41:50,559 he has the ability to bring a person in 901 00:41:48,679 --> 00:41:52,199 front of this board for appointment to 902 00:41:50,559 --> 00:41:55,000 the Planning Commission is that correct 903 00:41:52,199 --> 00:41:57,358 the supervisor gets to recommend that is 904 00:41:55,000 --> 00:42:00,800 correct okay under that same thing 905 00:41:57,358 --> 00:42:03,880 wouldn't wouldn't it be reasonable to 906 00:42:00,800 --> 00:42:05,440 think that he had that same ability to 907 00:42:03,880 --> 00:42:08,079 bring somebody up for 908 00:42:05,440 --> 00:42:11,400 review I don't have right to review it's 909 00:42:08,079 --> 00:42:12,920 apples and oranges why because it is 910 00:42:11,400 --> 00:42:16,079 it's bringing somebody in front of the 911 00:42:12,920 --> 00:42:18,280 board that's all it is on a charge which 912 00:42:16,079 --> 00:42:20,200 is different and does he also have the 913 00:42:18,280 --> 00:42:22,760 right to State very clearly that the 914 00:42:20,199 --> 00:42:25,639 Township board made a decision does not 915 00:42:22,760 --> 00:42:27,960 state that anyway yes it does show me 916 00:42:25,639 --> 00:42:31,480 the letter was in the 917 00:42:27,960 --> 00:42:31,480 copy of the letter right here thank you 918 00:42:31,920 --> 00:42:37,119 John the language very explicitly says 919 00:42:36,000 --> 00:42:41,079 the 920 00:42:37,119 --> 00:42:44,160 township I to where the law is that says 921 00:42:41,079 --> 00:42:46,359 Mr KS our supervisor has to have board 922 00:42:44,159 --> 00:42:48,000 approval to send a letter to claim that 923 00:42:46,358 --> 00:42:52,119 the board made a decision that they 924 00:42:48,000 --> 00:42:55,039 never made he didn't say he majority the 925 00:42:52,119 --> 00:42:58,039 board look at this letter this letter 926 00:42:55,039 --> 00:43:00,358 States Kevin Ross own Planning 927 00:42:58,039 --> 00:43:02,880 Commission your attendance record during 928 00:43:00,358 --> 00:43:06,078 the 2024 calendar year at Planning 929 00:43:02,880 --> 00:43:09,800 Commission meetings is less than 80% of 930 00:43:06,079 --> 00:43:13,839 held meetings as a result of this the 931 00:43:09,800 --> 00:43:17,200 Township Board is charging you with 932 00:43:13,838 --> 00:43:19,960 nonfeasance the Township Board will hold 933 00:43:17,199 --> 00:43:24,159 the public hearing line item on the 934 00:43:19,960 --> 00:43:26,800 agenda of the December 17 2024 at 700 935 00:43:24,159 --> 00:43:29,118 p.m. meeting and your attendance is 936 00:43:26,800 --> 00:43:32,160 requireed requested so you can explain 937 00:43:29,119 --> 00:43:34,838 your position thank you Greg cens Tyrone 938 00:43:32,159 --> 00:43:37,519 Township supervisor so you're going to 939 00:43:34,838 --> 00:43:40,239 you're going to hold him on uh centure 940 00:43:37,519 --> 00:43:43,679 because of a a misquote when should have 941 00:43:40,239 --> 00:43:43,679 been instead of just the 942 00:43:44,159 --> 00:43:52,318 one okay it's okay let me let me let me 943 00:43:48,559 --> 00:43:55,040 just tell you how we got here okay me 944 00:43:52,318 --> 00:43:55,039 just tell you how we 945 00:43:55,119 --> 00:43:59,480 got early December 946 00:43:58,199 --> 00:44:02,279 I reached 947 00:43:59,480 --> 00:44:06,880 out to each of the planning 948 00:44:02,280 --> 00:44:06,880 Commissioners via VIA an 949 00:44:07,119 --> 00:44:13,760 email to initiate a conversation on 950 00:44:10,760 --> 00:44:16,559 their commitment to the planning board 951 00:44:13,760 --> 00:44:20,200 and stress the importance of their 952 00:44:16,559 --> 00:44:23,720 attendance and engagement to the serious 953 00:44:20,199 --> 00:44:23,719 task in front of this 954 00:44:23,880 --> 00:44:31,599 Township let me repeat that 955 00:44:27,960 --> 00:44:36,318 I reached out to each of the planning 956 00:44:31,599 --> 00:44:38,760 Commissioners via an email to initiate a 957 00:44:36,318 --> 00:44:42,039 conversation on their commitment to the 958 00:44:38,760 --> 00:44:45,079 planning board and stress the importance 959 00:44:42,039 --> 00:44:49,480 of their attendance and engagement to 960 00:44:45,079 --> 00:44:49,480 the serious task in front of this 961 00:44:50,280 --> 00:44:55,240 Township I 962 00:44:52,119 --> 00:44:58,240 had good conversations with three of 963 00:44:55,239 --> 00:44:58,239 them 964 00:44:59,480 --> 00:45:05,079 one was uncooperative and one just 965 00:45:02,599 --> 00:45:05,079 didn't 966 00:45:06,358 --> 00:45:12,000 respond 967 00:45:08,119 --> 00:45:16,240 so in an effort to get this 968 00:45:12,000 --> 00:45:21,039 conversation because time is running out 969 00:45:16,239 --> 00:45:21,039 on these important tasks that need to be 970 00:45:21,880 --> 00:45:29,119 done so I wrote this 971 00:45:25,960 --> 00:45:30,960 letter CU I I didn't see any other way 972 00:45:29,119 --> 00:45:33,280 to make it happen 973 00:45:30,960 --> 00:45:37,000 quickly that's 974 00:45:33,280 --> 00:45:38,640 not after I delivered the letter to each 975 00:45:37,000 --> 00:45:42,519 of the 976 00:45:38,639 --> 00:45:44,879 members I realized that uh it wasn't the 977 00:45:42,519 --> 00:45:48,639 best way to get my goal 978 00:45:44,880 --> 00:45:52,400 accomplished so I asked them to destroy 979 00:45:48,639 --> 00:45:53,199 the letter and become n and make it null 980 00:45:52,400 --> 00:45:58,358 and 981 00:45:53,199 --> 00:45:58,358 void and make it null and void 982 00:46:00,960 --> 00:46:06,358 my intention was not 983 00:46:03,800 --> 00:46:08,359 intimidation but merely to hold the 984 00:46:06,358 --> 00:46:11,358 board members accountable to the 985 00:46:08,358 --> 00:46:11,358 township 986 00:46:13,679 --> 00:46:19,679 residence this last item on 987 00:46:17,480 --> 00:46:23,719 transparency 988 00:46:19,679 --> 00:46:26,118 well I think we'll let the 6,500 voters 989 00:46:23,719 --> 00:46:29,279 that voted for me they can decide 990 00:46:26,119 --> 00:46:34,559 whether I'm trans transparent or not not 991 00:46:29,280 --> 00:46:34,559 a few of you and not this 992 00:46:39,239 --> 00:46:46,439 sensor in summary in 993 00:46:43,440 --> 00:46:48,838 summary the main reason I ran for this 994 00:46:46,440 --> 00:46:51,760 position was to make the boards more 995 00:46:48,838 --> 00:46:51,759 accountable to you 996 00:46:52,000 --> 00:47:01,880 residents to have these boards draw upon 997 00:46:55,920 --> 00:47:01,880 the knowledge and experience of you the 998 00:47:03,199 --> 00:47:08,598 residents I think it's 999 00:47:06,039 --> 00:47:13,079 clear even though my 1000 00:47:08,599 --> 00:47:16,200 letter blew up in my face 1001 00:47:13,079 --> 00:47:18,720 um well I I hope I hope the Planning 1002 00:47:16,199 --> 00:47:20,439 Commission stays in the direction it's 1003 00:47:18,719 --> 00:47:22,879 headed and 1004 00:47:20,440 --> 00:47:25,440 John great job trying to get the 1005 00:47:22,880 --> 00:47:28,838 residents involved keep it 1006 00:47:25,440 --> 00:47:28,838 up uh 1007 00:47:29,079 --> 00:47:34,200 I think you're going to have an easier 1008 00:47:30,719 --> 00:47:38,039 time than me get getting this board 1009 00:47:34,199 --> 00:47:42,199 working but uh I'm going to keep trying 1010 00:47:38,039 --> 00:47:42,199 with this board I'm not going to be 1011 00:47:43,559 --> 00:47:50,040 discouraged 1012 00:47:46,440 --> 00:47:53,318 um I guess 1013 00:47:50,039 --> 00:47:57,119 uh you board members you you got to vote 1014 00:47:53,318 --> 00:47:57,119 however you think you should 1015 00:47:57,239 --> 00:48:05,318 but uh if you vote for this you're 1016 00:48:01,639 --> 00:48:08,838 wrong you're wrong you're wrong you're 1017 00:48:05,318 --> 00:48:12,960 wrong wrong wrong because you don't know 1018 00:48:08,838 --> 00:48:12,960 me you don't really know who I 1019 00:48:13,039 --> 00:48:18,880 am once again Mr KS I'll point out in 1020 00:48:16,920 --> 00:48:20,838 this letter you wrote as a result of 1021 00:48:18,880 --> 00:48:21,519 this the Township Board is charging you 1022 00:48:20,838 --> 00:48:24,000 with 1023 00:48:21,519 --> 00:48:26,800 nonfeasance I had no idea you were 1024 00:48:24,000 --> 00:48:28,280 creating this letter I had no idea that 1025 00:48:26,800 --> 00:48:32,200 you were meeting with other board 1026 00:48:28,280 --> 00:48:34,400 members so if I if I met with everyone 1027 00:48:32,199 --> 00:48:37,519 that would be a violation that would be 1028 00:48:34,400 --> 00:48:39,559 the appropriate way to discuss charate 1029 00:48:37,519 --> 00:48:41,880 actions to take would be to bring it to 1030 00:48:39,559 --> 00:48:44,119 the board table and have that 1031 00:48:41,880 --> 00:48:47,000 conversation and by the way that's the 1032 00:48:44,119 --> 00:48:48,559 difference between the work and the 1033 00:48:47,000 --> 00:48:50,318 trustees on this board that were 1034 00:48:48,559 --> 00:48:53,040 involved in the centure it was brought 1035 00:48:50,318 --> 00:48:56,239 to the board table for discussion and 1036 00:48:53,039 --> 00:48:59,798 action it was not done through email 1037 00:48:56,239 --> 00:49:04,118 with three people and then act it 1038 00:48:59,798 --> 00:49:07,039 upon okay so I I'd also I'd like to go 1039 00:49:04,119 --> 00:49:10,640 back here I'd like to speak and go back 1040 00:49:07,039 --> 00:49:15,639 here back to August 26 it was a Monday 1041 00:49:10,639 --> 00:49:18,639 11:14 a.m. you Mr K sent myself and 1042 00:49:15,639 --> 00:49:21,159 every board member here a text message 1043 00:49:18,639 --> 00:49:24,078 and it states I would like to get with 1044 00:49:21,159 --> 00:49:25,920 all of you for an hour this week please 1045 00:49:24,079 --> 00:49:27,359 let me know if Wednesday or Thursday 1046 00:49:25,920 --> 00:49:30,000 works 1047 00:49:27,358 --> 00:49:32,519 I am thinking between 5:00 p.m. and 700 1048 00:49:30,000 --> 00:49:36,760 p.m. 1 hour 1049 00:49:32,519 --> 00:49:39,358 maximum one response I can meet 1050 00:49:36,760 --> 00:49:42,000 Wednesday your response I think kerm is 1051 00:49:39,358 --> 00:49:44,480 still good for Wednesday that's twoo 1052 00:49:42,000 --> 00:49:48,199 another response not available this 1053 00:49:44,480 --> 00:49:52,798 week and then Mr K what's the date 1054 00:49:48,199 --> 00:49:55,039 Monday August 26 at 11:14 a.m. okay I 1055 00:49:52,798 --> 00:49:57,519 have contacted you I made a phone call 1056 00:49:55,039 --> 00:49:59,639 to you and I referenced the 20 23 case 1057 00:49:57,519 --> 00:50:02,480 in Ottawa County where some of the 1058 00:49:59,639 --> 00:50:04,519 County Board of Commissioners violated 1059 00:50:02,480 --> 00:50:07,440 the spirit of the open meetings act by 1060 00:50:04,519 --> 00:50:09,719 meeting and deliberating outside of a 1061 00:50:07,440 --> 00:50:13,599 public meeting prior to taking their 1062 00:50:09,719 --> 00:50:17,959 oath I informed you of the case I 1063 00:50:13,599 --> 00:50:22,000 suggested you Google August August 28th 1064 00:50:17,960 --> 00:50:24,280 August 26th Monday I wasn't even elected 1065 00:50:22,000 --> 00:50:26,920 no you weren't 1066 00:50:24,280 --> 00:50:28,839 listen Pam pointed out to me that this 1067 00:50:26,920 --> 00:50:31,358 is probably not a good idea for us to 1068 00:50:28,838 --> 00:50:33,279 meet in the spirit of transparency we 1069 00:50:31,358 --> 00:50:35,759 will not get together until after 1070 00:50:33,280 --> 00:50:35,760 November 1071 00:50:35,838 --> 00:50:42,318 20th and then Mr H says transparency to 1072 00:50:39,880 --> 00:50:46,519 what we aren't officially elected yet to 1073 00:50:42,318 --> 00:50:49,358 anything Herman says wow okay then Mr H 1074 00:50:46,519 --> 00:50:52,000 says okay Herm is so we are meeting with 1075 00:50:49,358 --> 00:50:55,880 our board representative 1076 00:50:52,000 --> 00:50:58,239 LOL so my point in bringing this up is I 1077 00:50:55,880 --> 00:51:01,760 had informed Med you prior to you being 1078 00:50:58,239 --> 00:51:04,118 elected and every one of you was aware 1079 00:51:01,760 --> 00:51:07,520 about the open meetings act and that 1080 00:51:04,119 --> 00:51:10,119 there are laws to follow yet according 1081 00:51:07,519 --> 00:51:13,159 to this letter and according to your own 1082 00:51:10,119 --> 00:51:16,280 acknowledgement to me you admitted to me 1083 00:51:13,159 --> 00:51:19,759 that you Chris and Dean discussed this 1084 00:51:16,280 --> 00:51:21,720 letter so then you presented this letter 1085 00:51:19,760 --> 00:51:24,319 to the Planning Commission as though the 1086 00:51:21,719 --> 00:51:27,639 board had voted on this and discussed it 1087 00:51:24,318 --> 00:51:30,558 you took away our voice and our vote and 1088 00:51:27,639 --> 00:51:31,759 you three made decisions without the 1089 00:51:30,559 --> 00:51:34,000 remainder of the board and we're 1090 00:51:31,760 --> 00:51:36,000 supposed to function as a board as a 1091 00:51:34,000 --> 00:51:38,679 team and communicate and have 1092 00:51:36,000 --> 00:51:41,679 conversations and work together we can't 1093 00:51:38,679 --> 00:51:45,039 do that if you're making meetings and 1094 00:51:41,679 --> 00:51:47,000 phone calls amongst each other to make 1095 00:51:45,039 --> 00:51:49,440 decisions might want to read that case a 1096 00:51:47,000 --> 00:51:52,039 little further because what it says is 1097 00:51:49,440 --> 00:51:55,519 if you meet with the purpose of coming 1098 00:51:52,039 --> 00:51:59,119 up with a decision and you decided you 1099 00:51:55,519 --> 00:52:02,000 deliberated and made a decision 1100 00:51:59,119 --> 00:52:03,960 he did I sign that letter did Chris sign 1101 00:52:02,000 --> 00:52:06,798 that letter he came to us and asked our 1102 00:52:03,960 --> 00:52:09,760 thoughts on it we gave him our 1103 00:52:06,798 --> 00:52:12,358 thoughts based on your thoughts Mr K 1104 00:52:09,760 --> 00:52:14,520 decided and created a letter and sent it 1105 00:52:12,358 --> 00:52:16,159 out there was deliberation and a 1106 00:52:14,519 --> 00:52:21,280 decision was made and the letter was 1107 00:52:16,159 --> 00:52:21,279 sent was hand delivered that's my 1108 00:52:22,639 --> 00:52:28,199 point in addition to that you said that 1109 00:52:25,400 --> 00:52:30,880 the Township Board would hold a public 1110 00:52:28,199 --> 00:52:33,358 hearing I did not post any public 1111 00:52:30,880 --> 00:52:36,720 hearing for Planning Commission members 1112 00:52:33,358 --> 00:52:38,639 to come to and that but this is a letter 1113 00:52:36,719 --> 00:52:41,679 you gave them you told them there was a 1114 00:52:38,639 --> 00:52:44,400 public hearing on December 17th you 1115 00:52:41,679 --> 00:52:48,000 can't deny it I know I made it and all 1116 00:52:44,400 --> 00:52:52,200 in void so what I'm saying 1117 00:52:48,000 --> 00:52:53,719 is come on GRE digging a hole buddy okay 1118 00:52:52,199 --> 00:52:56,039 my whole point in being is that there 1119 00:52:53,719 --> 00:52:59,118 are laws to follow there are processes 1120 00:52:56,039 --> 00:53:01,719 and we have have to follow laws and 1121 00:52:59,119 --> 00:53:04,720 processes it if we can't do that we 1122 00:53:01,719 --> 00:53:07,558 can't improve our Township we have to 1123 00:53:04,719 --> 00:53:09,798 work together we have to be a team and 1124 00:53:07,559 --> 00:53:11,920 we have to follow the laws and open 1125 00:53:09,798 --> 00:53:14,000 meetings act and make decisions together 1126 00:53:11,920 --> 00:53:18,000 and discuss that up here at the board 1127 00:53:14,000 --> 00:53:18,000 table that's the only way we can move 1128 00:53:20,679 --> 00:53:27,279 forward so with that with that being 1129 00:53:23,440 --> 00:53:30,639 said um I would like to make a mo motion 1130 00:53:27,280 --> 00:53:33,640 of censor of supervisor Greg 1131 00:53:30,639 --> 00:53:33,639 CS 1132 00:53:35,159 --> 00:53:41,879 support I had a statement to read first 1133 00:53:38,280 --> 00:53:41,880 can I share my statement sure 1134 00:53:43,559 --> 00:53:50,440 before 1135 00:53:46,280 --> 00:53:53,079 um I guess I first would like to recap 1136 00:53:50,440 --> 00:53:56,119 um my own perspective and the events 1137 00:53:53,079 --> 00:53:59,559 that took place because I think each of 1138 00:53:56,119 --> 00:54:02,680 us has a little different point of view 1139 00:53:59,559 --> 00:54:04,400 so at our last board meeting on December 1140 00:54:02,679 --> 00:54:06,480 17th it was brought to the township 1141 00:54:04,400 --> 00:54:08,119 board's attention that a letter was 1142 00:54:06,480 --> 00:54:10,039 issued on the 10th of December to the 1143 00:54:08,119 --> 00:54:12,160 Planning Commission stating that 1144 00:54:10,039 --> 00:54:13,960 Township Board was charging them the 1145 00:54:12,159 --> 00:54:16,639 planning Commissioners with non-vent for 1146 00:54:13,960 --> 00:54:18,358 attending less than 80% of meetings and 1147 00:54:16,639 --> 00:54:19,920 invited them to come to a public hearing 1148 00:54:18,358 --> 00:54:22,199 scheduled at the next board meeting and 1149 00:54:19,920 --> 00:54:25,079 forgive the redundancy I just have to 1150 00:54:22,199 --> 00:54:27,480 not miss anything that I wanted to say 1151 00:54:25,079 --> 00:54:29,280 the Township Board is a po has never 1152 00:54:27,480 --> 00:54:31,440 held a board meeting in which this 1153 00:54:29,280 --> 00:54:33,079 letter or charges of any kind toward 1154 00:54:31,440 --> 00:54:35,760 planning Commissioners were discussed or 1155 00:54:33,079 --> 00:54:37,559 voted upon four of the seven board 1156 00:54:35,760 --> 00:54:39,920 members had no knowledge that any such 1157 00:54:37,559 --> 00:54:42,599 letter was conceived or drafted until 1158 00:54:39,920 --> 00:54:44,838 the evening it was 1159 00:54:42,599 --> 00:54:46,640 delivered there is nothing in the 1160 00:54:44,838 --> 00:54:48,960 Planning Commission bylaws that says 1161 00:54:46,639 --> 00:54:51,078 anything about expectations of 80% 1162 00:54:48,960 --> 00:54:52,920 attendance there was no public hearing 1163 00:54:51,079 --> 00:54:55,039 scheduled for December 17th and there 1164 00:54:52,920 --> 00:54:58,480 was never a request for one to be 1165 00:54:55,039 --> 00:55:00,838 scheduled under December 10th the above 1166 00:54:58,480 --> 00:55:03,440 mentioned letter was delivered in person 1167 00:55:00,838 --> 00:55:05,078 by supervisor KS to the planning 1168 00:55:03,440 --> 00:55:06,960 Commissioners at the conclusion of the 1169 00:55:05,079 --> 00:55:09,119 regular Planning Commission meeting 1170 00:55:06,960 --> 00:55:11,679 trusty H was also present and trusty 1171 00:55:09,119 --> 00:55:13,760 Retta was present as the new ex officio 1172 00:55:11,679 --> 00:55:15,919 appointee in the days that followed 1173 00:55:13,760 --> 00:55:18,880 supervisor KS called the clerk and said 1174 00:55:15,920 --> 00:55:21,760 he had a quorum I had a majority of the 1175 00:55:18,880 --> 00:55:23,440 board who supported this action this 1176 00:55:21,760 --> 00:55:25,400 statement was false because there never 1177 00:55:23,440 --> 00:55:27,519 was a publicly held board meeting in 1178 00:55:25,400 --> 00:55:30,240 which a quorum was been present to 1179 00:55:27,519 --> 00:55:32,000 discuss this subject or plan of action 1180 00:55:30,239 --> 00:55:33,558 he then asked planning the Planning 1181 00:55:32,000 --> 00:55:34,440 Commission to throw the letter away and 1182 00:55:33,559 --> 00:55:37,440 move 1183 00:55:34,440 --> 00:55:39,000 on at the December 17th board meeting 1184 00:55:37,440 --> 00:55:40,760 several planning Commissioners spoke 1185 00:55:39,000 --> 00:55:42,119 during public comment as well as 1186 00:55:40,760 --> 00:55:44,680 concerned 1187 00:55:42,119 --> 00:55:47,480 residents concerns were raised that some 1188 00:55:44,679 --> 00:55:49,960 board members were operating in secret 1189 00:55:47,480 --> 00:55:52,119 misrepresenting the board conducting 1190 00:55:49,960 --> 00:55:53,798 Township business and making decisions 1191 00:55:52,119 --> 00:55:56,720 on behalf of the board without their 1192 00:55:53,798 --> 00:55:59,400 knowing which is an abuse of the author 1193 00:55:56,719 --> 00:56:02,399 of the Township 1194 00:55:59,400 --> 00:56:02,400 Board 1195 00:56:02,599 --> 00:56:09,039 um what I want to say is 1196 00:56:06,400 --> 00:56:10,639 this during my campaign I shared and 1197 00:56:09,039 --> 00:56:13,000 heard concerns about the Planning 1198 00:56:10,639 --> 00:56:15,598 Commission relative to cancled meetings 1199 00:56:13,000 --> 00:56:17,400 attendance and working toward the goal 1200 00:56:15,599 --> 00:56:19,280 of being more proactive in addressing 1201 00:56:17,400 --> 00:56:22,880 issues related to Planning and Zoning as 1202 00:56:19,280 --> 00:56:24,599 opposed to being reactive that is true 1203 00:56:22,880 --> 00:56:26,640 engaging in dialogue about those 1204 00:56:24,599 --> 00:56:29,359 concerns does not give anyone the 1205 00:56:26,639 --> 00:56:31,159 authority to take actions on my behalf 1206 00:56:29,358 --> 00:56:33,798 without my knowledge without coming 1207 00:56:31,159 --> 00:56:35,838 forth in a public meeting without 1208 00:56:33,798 --> 00:56:38,480 deliberation with all board members 1209 00:56:35,838 --> 00:56:41,318 present or without a publicly held board 1210 00:56:38,480 --> 00:56:43,358 vote implicating the board as a whole is 1211 00:56:41,318 --> 00:56:45,279 being involved in the conception 1212 00:56:43,358 --> 00:56:47,119 Drafting and delivery of this letter 1213 00:56:45,280 --> 00:56:49,519 received by the Planning Commission is 1214 00:56:47,119 --> 00:56:51,519 entirely false and egregious those 1215 00:56:49,519 --> 00:56:53,759 involved did so intentionally without 1216 00:56:51,519 --> 00:56:56,280 the knowledge of the board as a 1217 00:56:53,760 --> 00:56:58,760 whole the Township Board is required by 1218 00:56:56,280 --> 00:57:01,680 by law to operate as a public entity 1219 00:56:58,760 --> 00:57:04,440 decisions must be made in a in public at 1220 00:57:01,679 --> 00:57:07,440 scheduled meetings not just voting but 1221 00:57:04,440 --> 00:57:10,240 also thinking deliberating an especially 1222 00:57:07,440 --> 00:57:12,200 Township business that is acted upon 1223 00:57:10,239 --> 00:57:14,078 intentionally acting on behalf of the 1224 00:57:12,199 --> 00:57:16,519 board and intentionally misrepresenting 1225 00:57:14,079 --> 00:57:18,960 the board outside these parameters is a 1226 00:57:16,519 --> 00:57:21,199 serious breach of the Oma a serious 1227 00:57:18,960 --> 00:57:23,519 breach of your board colleagues trust 1228 00:57:21,199 --> 00:57:25,838 and a serious breach of the community's 1229 00:57:23,519 --> 00:57:29,480 trust and that is why we're discussing 1230 00:57:25,838 --> 00:57:31,838 this matter it is not just no big deal 1231 00:57:29,480 --> 00:57:34,519 accountability matters ethical Behavior 1232 00:57:31,838 --> 00:57:36,480 matters following the law matters the 1233 00:57:34,519 --> 00:57:38,880 impact the situation has had on the 1234 00:57:36,480 --> 00:57:41,119 township staff fellow board members and 1235 00:57:38,880 --> 00:57:42,400 the Planning Commission have been severe 1236 00:57:41,119 --> 00:57:44,400 instead of building working 1237 00:57:42,400 --> 00:57:46,920 relationships finding common goals and 1238 00:57:44,400 --> 00:57:48,760 making a plan together a path has been 1239 00:57:46,920 --> 00:57:51,440 chosen that is utterly destructive and 1240 00:57:48,760 --> 00:57:53,839 divisive if personal agendas cannot be 1241 00:57:51,440 --> 00:57:55,679 replaced with genuine collaboration 1242 00:57:53,838 --> 00:57:58,599 healthy communication and measured 1243 00:57:55,679 --> 00:58:01,358 patience to learn to work within normed 1244 00:57:58,599 --> 00:58:03,880 processes and laws we will accomplish 1245 00:58:01,358 --> 00:58:06,519 absolutely nothing as a 1246 00:58:03,880 --> 00:58:09,720 board it will be to the detriment and 1247 00:58:06,519 --> 00:58:11,798 sadly at Great cost to the residents a 1248 00:58:09,719 --> 00:58:13,679 Township Board should always operate 1249 00:58:11,798 --> 00:58:15,759 with a moral compass to protect the best 1250 00:58:13,679 --> 00:58:18,440 interest of the township we serve we are 1251 00:58:15,760 --> 00:58:20,480 sworn by oath to follow the law what is 1252 00:58:18,440 --> 00:58:22,960 being discussed here tonight is not what 1253 00:58:20,480 --> 00:58:25,119 the people of this Township voted for No 1254 00:58:22,960 --> 00:58:27,920 One mandated recklessness with their 1255 00:58:25,119 --> 00:58:30,400 ballots the board should consider that 1256 00:58:27,920 --> 00:58:32,280 as a legislative body we have only two 1257 00:58:30,400 --> 00:58:34,240 real actions that can be taken when 1258 00:58:32,280 --> 00:58:37,640 matters of misconduct arise within our 1259 00:58:34,239 --> 00:58:40,959 board one is to issue issue a public 1260 00:58:37,639 --> 00:58:42,358 censor to denounce on the record actions 1261 00:58:40,960 --> 00:58:44,960 that have taken 1262 00:58:42,358 --> 00:58:47,159 place the other is removal from any 1263 00:58:44,960 --> 00:58:49,119 committees or other Township bodies for 1264 00:58:47,159 --> 00:58:52,078 which a board member may be a 1265 00:58:49,119 --> 00:58:53,519 participant furthermore each of us has a 1266 00:58:52,079 --> 00:58:55,798 fiduciary 1267 00:58:53,519 --> 00:58:58,480 responsibility to protect the Township's 1268 00:58:55,798 --> 00:59:00,318 well being ignoring behavior that 1269 00:58:58,480 --> 00:59:02,838 threatens the Township's fiduciary 1270 00:59:00,318 --> 00:59:04,880 Health would not be prudent the 1271 00:59:02,838 --> 00:59:06,719 situation before us is not a personal 1272 00:59:04,880 --> 00:59:08,880 matter but it is one that warrants a 1273 00:59:06,719 --> 00:59:11,318 serious response from the board as a 1274 00:59:08,880 --> 00:59:14,079 whole given we were all directly 1275 00:59:11,318 --> 00:59:16,038 implicated in these matters we must 1276 00:59:14,079 --> 00:59:18,400 consider any and all board actions to 1277 00:59:16,039 --> 00:59:22,160 send a message that is abundantly clear 1278 00:59:18,400 --> 00:59:22,160 this Behavior cannot and will not be 1279 00:59:23,960 --> 00:59:28,639 tolerated thank you i' like to add a 1280 00:59:27,239 --> 00:59:30,239 comment 1281 00:59:28,639 --> 00:59:34,639 please 1282 00:59:30,239 --> 00:59:38,318 so with regard to the uh the items in 1283 00:59:34,639 --> 00:59:40,078 each of the centure 1284 00:59:38,318 --> 00:59:41,838 resolutions they 1285 00:59:40,079 --> 00:59:45,798 don't 1286 00:59:41,838 --> 00:59:48,119 specifically uh tie to things like for 1287 00:59:45,798 --> 00:59:51,920 example there's a claim that there's a 1288 00:59:48,119 --> 00:59:55,000 violation of Ethics standards and 1289 00:59:51,920 --> 00:59:58,720 ethics but where's the documentation 1290 00:59:55,000 --> 01:00:02,358 around standard ethics that we can learn 1291 00:59:58,719 --> 01:00:07,000 what that charge is for they state that 1292 01:00:02,358 --> 01:00:10,199 it's a possible violation of the open 1293 01:00:07,000 --> 01:00:12,639 meetings act well we don't work in 1294 01:00:10,199 --> 01:00:15,279 possibilities here we work in did you 1295 01:00:12,639 --> 01:00:18,038 violate the open meetings act or did you 1296 01:00:15,280 --> 01:00:20,760 not violate the open meetings act did 1297 01:00:18,039 --> 01:00:23,520 you violate the law or did you not 1298 01:00:20,760 --> 01:00:26,119 violate the law and so I'd like to 1299 01:00:23,519 --> 01:00:27,159 understand before voting and uh on these 1300 01:00:26,119 --> 01:00:30,079 particular 1301 01:00:27,159 --> 01:00:32,639 issues what ethics and standard 1302 01:00:30,079 --> 01:00:34,318 guidelines you're working from I 1303 01:00:32,639 --> 01:00:37,078 couldn't find anything out there in the 1304 01:00:34,318 --> 01:00:39,079 public uh website from the plan uh from 1305 01:00:37,079 --> 01:00:41,839 the Tyrone Township website that 1306 01:00:39,079 --> 01:00:44,359 described ethics and standards for the 1307 01:00:41,838 --> 01:00:46,798 township to be able to compare against 1308 01:00:44,358 --> 01:00:49,239 so that we can understand and I couldn't 1309 01:00:46,798 --> 01:00:51,679 find anything in the open meetings act 1310 01:00:49,239 --> 01:00:55,719 that showed that we violated the open 1311 01:00:51,679 --> 01:00:57,358 meetings act uh and even uh our attorney 1312 01:00:55,719 --> 01:00:59,639 of there said that he would need to 1313 01:00:57,358 --> 01:01:02,078 research it forward so if we're on such 1314 01:00:59,639 --> 01:01:04,118 a hot path to get uh something done and 1315 01:01:02,079 --> 01:01:06,200 get a centure applied wouldn't it be 1316 01:01:04,119 --> 01:01:09,838 prudent to actually have the 1317 01:01:06,199 --> 01:01:11,399 facts of these really important things 1318 01:01:09,838 --> 01:01:13,599 before making these 1319 01:01:11,400 --> 01:01:15,960 decisions that's why I'm calling that's 1320 01:01:13,599 --> 01:01:17,400 why I called for these to just be uh 1321 01:01:15,960 --> 01:01:21,039 removed from the 1322 01:01:17,400 --> 01:01:24,160 agenda I mean it's it's you you can't 1323 01:01:21,039 --> 01:01:27,799 solve a problem with creating another 1324 01:01:24,159 --> 01:01:30,558 problem you can't be vague we have to 1325 01:01:27,798 --> 01:01:34,079 follow the law as you pointed out 1326 01:01:30,559 --> 01:01:35,798 correctly follow the law so tell us 1327 01:01:34,079 --> 01:01:38,960 letter shows it all which part of the 1328 01:01:35,798 --> 01:01:41,759 law was not followed the letter said it 1329 01:01:38,960 --> 01:01:44,079 all do so that this is why this is why I 1330 01:01:41,760 --> 01:01:44,079 have 1331 01:01:45,159 --> 01:01:50,000 concerns 1332 01:01:46,798 --> 01:01:53,038 deliberating behind closed 1333 01:01:50,000 --> 01:01:56,278 doors violation without whether there's 1334 01:01:53,039 --> 01:01:58,200 a quorum or not in acting upon on those 1335 01:01:56,278 --> 01:02:00,079 deliberations without it being in a 1336 01:01:58,199 --> 01:02:02,199 public setting and the whole board 1337 01:02:00,079 --> 01:02:05,200 present is a violation of the 1338 01:02:02,199 --> 01:02:08,358 Oma okay whether there's a quorum or not 1339 01:02:05,199 --> 01:02:11,439 I would like delivery an act to come I 1340 01:02:08,358 --> 01:02:13,719 would like the attorney second 1341 01:02:11,440 --> 01:02:15,760 second I don't think we need to have a 1342 01:02:13,719 --> 01:02:19,078 written policy to 1343 01:02:15,760 --> 01:02:21,520 know that 1344 01:02:19,079 --> 01:02:24,599 misrepresenting each of us that were not 1345 01:02:21,519 --> 01:02:27,079 part of this in writing on Township 1346 01:02:24,599 --> 01:02:29,400 letterhead and making it an official 1347 01:02:27,079 --> 01:02:32,000 Township document claiming that we all 1348 01:02:29,400 --> 01:02:34,240 knew about this is 1349 01:02:32,000 --> 01:02:36,639 misrepresentation there how do we even 1350 01:02:34,239 --> 01:02:40,278 question whether or not that's ethical 1351 01:02:36,639 --> 01:02:40,278 that's just given that's 1352 01:02:42,480 --> 01:02:48,318 it my comment wasn't about the ethical 1353 01:02:46,239 --> 01:02:51,038 nature my comment you just asked for 1354 01:02:48,318 --> 01:02:54,318 ethical standard can I can I clarify 1355 01:02:51,039 --> 01:02:56,200 please my comment was to understand 1356 01:02:54,318 --> 01:02:58,519 where the standards and ethics 1357 01:02:56,199 --> 01:03:00,759 guidelines are to which you're making 1358 01:02:58,519 --> 01:03:04,960 these charts and you're saying there 1359 01:03:00,760 --> 01:03:06,760 isn't any and so that's fine I get your 1360 01:03:04,960 --> 01:03:09,358 I get your question I'm not saying 1361 01:03:06,760 --> 01:03:11,839 there's no ethical questions I'm simply 1362 01:03:09,358 --> 01:03:15,519 saying where's the documentation that 1363 01:03:11,838 --> 01:03:19,038 you're charging in these censure uh 1364 01:03:15,519 --> 01:03:21,599 resolutions that's what I'm 1365 01:03:19,039 --> 01:03:24,400 asking I haven't said anything all night 1366 01:03:21,599 --> 01:03:26,119 but on January 3rd I sat right here and 1367 01:03:24,400 --> 01:03:29,880 somebody asked Chuck about Planning 1368 01:03:26,119 --> 01:03:32,079 Commission he specifically said that the 1369 01:03:29,880 --> 01:03:35,480 Planning Commission acts separate from 1370 01:03:32,079 --> 01:03:38,079 the board and then 5 days later a letter 1371 01:03:35,480 --> 01:03:39,838 was written I was pretty clear on that 1372 01:03:38,079 --> 01:03:41,599 that we act separate the Planning 1373 01:03:39,838 --> 01:03:44,119 Commission acts separate from the board 1374 01:03:41,599 --> 01:03:46,119 and we have no dictation of what they do 1375 01:03:44,119 --> 01:03:50,440 am I right CH 1376 01:03:46,119 --> 01:03:52,838 yes so I don't know why after you stated 1377 01:03:50,440 --> 01:03:55,318 that that they went ahead and gave them 1378 01:03:52,838 --> 01:03:56,960 a letter after you said we have no 1379 01:03:55,318 --> 01:04:00,278 Authority over the Planning Commission 1380 01:03:56,960 --> 01:04:00,278 am I correct on that 1381 01:04:00,760 --> 01:04:04,559 yes so I didn't know that that's why I 1382 01:04:03,239 --> 01:04:07,838 asked 1383 01:04:04,559 --> 01:04:10,079 you so then the letter was written five 1384 01:04:07,838 --> 01:04:15,318 or six days after you recommended and 1385 01:04:10,079 --> 01:04:15,318 said that we do not dictate what they 1386 01:04:15,358 --> 01:04:20,358 do you said about four things I 1387 01:04:17,960 --> 01:04:24,559 apologize but oh I he said one thing 1388 01:04:20,358 --> 01:04:26,318 Chris he said that we do not clearly do 1389 01:04:24,559 --> 01:04:28,480 not 1390 01:04:26,318 --> 01:04:32,000 have any jurisdiction or any guidance 1391 01:04:28,480 --> 01:04:33,960 they act separately from us separately 1392 01:04:32,000 --> 01:04:37,159 he said that right 1393 01:04:33,960 --> 01:04:39,400 there he also and then five days later a 1394 01:04:37,159 --> 01:04:42,000 a letter was written this letter this 1395 01:04:39,400 --> 01:04:46,160 letter right here that's what confuses 1396 01:04:42,000 --> 01:04:48,119 me when our attorney who Zach said we 1397 01:04:46,159 --> 01:04:50,239 should talk to and I asked him that 1398 01:04:48,119 --> 01:04:52,079 we've heard it right here and he stated 1399 01:04:50,239 --> 01:04:56,278 it and everybody heard it we were all 1400 01:04:52,079 --> 01:04:58,160 here did you hear that when he said 1401 01:04:56,278 --> 01:05:00,719 that we act they act separate the 1402 01:04:58,159 --> 01:05:03,278 Planning Commission did you hear 1403 01:05:00,719 --> 01:05:06,239 that yes or 1404 01:05:03,278 --> 01:05:08,278 no okay so it's January 3rd you sat 1405 01:05:06,239 --> 01:05:12,719 right here Dean AR with there's two 1406 01:05:08,278 --> 01:05:16,199 things that you you asked is whether the 1407 01:05:12,719 --> 01:05:18,798 board has control over the Planning 1408 01:05:16,199 --> 01:05:22,598 Commission and the answer is is the 1409 01:05:18,798 --> 01:05:25,400 board this board has control over all 1410 01:05:22,599 --> 01:05:27,559 the things in the township the question 1411 01:05:25,400 --> 01:05:30,160 that came up to with respond to him 1412 01:05:27,559 --> 01:05:33,920 because I was the one proposing it was 1413 01:05:30,159 --> 01:05:36,798 can the board provide direction to the 1414 01:05:33,920 --> 01:05:40,358 Planning Commission of things to 1415 01:05:36,798 --> 01:05:41,440 cover and the attorney said yes they can 1416 01:05:40,358 --> 01:05:44,838 provide 1417 01:05:41,440 --> 01:05:48,039 direction we can't tell them how to 1418 01:05:44,838 --> 01:05:50,358 decide on things we can't tell them what 1419 01:05:48,039 --> 01:05:52,839 to decide on things we can't tell them 1420 01:05:50,358 --> 01:05:55,000 what discussions uh and how the 1421 01:05:52,838 --> 01:05:56,519 discussion should go we don't control 1422 01:05:55,000 --> 01:05:59,679 them there are separate entity 1423 01:05:56,519 --> 01:06:03,199 absolutely but don't confuse being 1424 01:05:59,679 --> 01:06:07,798 allowing being allowed by law to provide 1425 01:06:03,199 --> 01:06:10,519 guidance we approve uh appointees and 1426 01:06:07,798 --> 01:06:14,199 the law clearly states as I read that we 1427 01:06:10,519 --> 01:06:17,679 would approve removing board members 1428 01:06:14,199 --> 01:06:20,838 that doesn't constitute no 1429 01:06:17,679 --> 01:06:23,078 control this is this is a Mis this is a 1430 01:06:20,838 --> 01:06:25,318 misunderstanding there is it is a 1431 01:06:23,079 --> 01:06:26,278 mising do we control the Planning 1432 01:06:25,318 --> 01:06:30,038 Commission 1433 01:06:26,278 --> 01:06:30,039 no not any way shape or 1434 01:06:30,760 --> 01:06:36,400 form we vote so we don't vote on 1435 01:06:33,760 --> 01:06:38,920 appointees we don't vote to appoint 1436 01:06:36,400 --> 01:06:41,119 people we but that doesn't mean we 1437 01:06:38,920 --> 01:06:43,639 control them that's right that's where 1438 01:06:41,119 --> 01:06:46,318 you three have to get out of your bra 1439 01:06:43,639 --> 01:06:48,598 control we control the Planning 1440 01:06:46,318 --> 01:06:51,159 Commission you just said it that's right 1441 01:06:48,599 --> 01:06:54,359 we do not control the Planning 1442 01:06:51,159 --> 01:06:57,440 Commission but there are things we do 1443 01:06:54,358 --> 01:07:00,199 that provide Direction and other things 1444 01:06:57,440 --> 01:07:03,639 I'm trying to clarify because of 1445 01:07:00,199 --> 01:07:06,439 her it's Direction not control 1446 01:07:03,639 --> 01:07:09,199 absolutely let's move on so going back 1447 01:07:06,440 --> 01:07:11,720 to this letter it the bottom line is it 1448 01:07:09,199 --> 01:07:15,239 was a blatant violation of public trust 1449 01:07:11,719 --> 01:07:15,239 and the Ten of government 1450 01:07:15,480 --> 01:07:20,760 transparency yes in our opinion you do 1451 01:07:18,000 --> 01:07:22,559 not write a letter that says the time Ro 1452 01:07:20,760 --> 01:07:27,520 Township 1453 01:07:22,559 --> 01:07:27,519 Board did this we did not do that 1454 01:07:27,880 --> 01:07:33,798 uh let's just so let's just vote please 1455 01:07:31,798 --> 01:07:36,199 we had we have this resolution at the 1456 01:07:33,798 --> 01:07:39,599 table I made a motion for that 1457 01:07:36,199 --> 01:07:43,239 resolution um censor of supervisor Greg 1458 01:07:39,599 --> 01:07:46,359 KS Herman Ferguson second 1459 01:07:43,239 --> 01:07:52,159 it we'll do a roll call 1460 01:07:46,358 --> 01:07:56,199 vote Dean hos n Chris Retta Nate Sarah 1461 01:07:52,159 --> 01:07:59,879 dolman Jersey yes Jennifer Eden yes 1462 01:07:56,199 --> 01:08:01,439 Greg carts no Herman Ferguson yes Pam 1463 01:07:59,880 --> 01:08:06,599 offer 1464 01:08:01,440 --> 01:08:06,599 yes resolution 2501 has 1465 01:08:10,880 --> 01:08:19,039 passed thank you next we'll move on to 1466 01:08:14,199 --> 01:08:19,039 the discussion of censor of trustee Dean 1467 01:08:19,759 --> 01:08:26,319 H do we as a board need to have further 1468 01:08:23,560 --> 01:08:28,679 discussion or are we ready 1469 01:08:26,319 --> 01:08:28,679 for a 1470 01:08:29,079 --> 01:08:35,798 motion any want to me for supporting my 1471 01:08:31,798 --> 01:08:38,560 supervisor I'll D I'd like to know the 1472 01:08:35,798 --> 01:08:40,560 extent of the conversation that went on 1473 01:08:38,560 --> 01:08:42,359 in the email between the three of you 1474 01:08:40,560 --> 01:08:46,080 I've not seen that thread because I 1475 01:08:42,359 --> 01:08:50,000 wasn't part of it I don't 1476 01:08:46,079 --> 01:08:53,439 know um if there was feedback given if 1477 01:08:50,000 --> 01:08:56,238 there was suggestions of language using 1478 01:08:53,439 --> 01:08:58,678 the Township Board language 1479 01:08:56,238 --> 01:09:00,358 anguage can the three of you Enlighten 1480 01:08:58,679 --> 01:09:04,960 us please as 1481 01:09:00,359 --> 01:09:04,960 to what specifically your involvement 1482 01:09:08,439 --> 01:09:13,198 was 1483 01:09:11,000 --> 01:09:15,399 transparency simar to the Stu you would 1484 01:09:13,198 --> 01:09:18,838 tell me 1485 01:09:15,399 --> 01:09:22,719 Sarah it's okay hey hey hey hey hey hey 1486 01:09:18,838 --> 01:09:27,399 he can you repeat your question please 1487 01:09:22,719 --> 01:09:29,359 yeah I would like you and Dean and Greg 1488 01:09:27,399 --> 01:09:32,158 to share with the rest of 1489 01:09:29,359 --> 01:09:35,239 us what your involvement was in the 1490 01:09:32,158 --> 01:09:37,278 drafting of that letter Greg has said 1491 01:09:35,238 --> 01:09:39,119 there was email correspondence on 1492 01:09:37,279 --> 01:09:42,000 December 8th and 9th while he was in 1493 01:09:39,119 --> 01:09:44,479 Florida he sent you a letter you offered 1494 01:09:42,000 --> 01:09:47,399 feedback and I'm wondering did you offer 1495 01:09:44,479 --> 01:09:49,559 suggestions of language how was it that 1496 01:09:47,399 --> 01:09:53,759 you were 1497 01:09:49,560 --> 01:09:53,759 involved yeah absolutely 1498 01:09:56,760 --> 01:10:01,760 y so all three of you were aware that it 1499 01:09:58,800 --> 01:10:04,079 seated that's speak for 1500 01:10:01,760 --> 01:10:07,000 myself 1501 01:10:04,079 --> 01:10:09,000 sure why wouldn't we be involved yeah I 1502 01:10:07,000 --> 01:10:11,079 mean it was absolutely and you were 1503 01:10:09,000 --> 01:10:12,800 comfortable using language that stated 1504 01:10:11,079 --> 01:10:15,760 the Township 1505 01:10:12,800 --> 01:10:17,679 Board was charging the planning 1506 01:10:15,760 --> 01:10:19,520 Commissioners with nonfeasance knowing 1507 01:10:17,679 --> 01:10:22,039 well that the Township Board was not 1508 01:10:19,520 --> 01:10:22,040 part of that 1509 01:10:23,840 --> 01:10:30,239 decision that's the L language that 1510 01:10:26,520 --> 01:10:30,239 really hits hard 1511 01:10:38,000 --> 01:10:43,520 Chris if a board makes a decision on 1512 01:10:40,719 --> 01:10:45,239 something I am all for it I may not 1513 01:10:43,520 --> 01:10:48,520 agree with it but if we make a decision 1514 01:10:45,238 --> 01:10:49,399 to do something but this is backhanded 1515 01:10:48,520 --> 01:10:52,280 as it 1516 01:10:49,399 --> 01:10:55,759 gets um the fact that I had to have two 1517 01:10:52,279 --> 01:10:58,479 phone calls um late at night after that 1518 01:10:55,760 --> 01:11:00,159 meeting wondering what the heck was up 1519 01:10:58,479 --> 01:11:02,158 with this letter that I knew nothing 1520 01:11:00,158 --> 01:11:03,439 about I'm like well I'm sorry but you're 1521 01:11:02,158 --> 01:11:04,639 going to have to bring it to the office 1522 01:11:03,439 --> 01:11:07,238 in the morning because I don't know what 1523 01:11:04,640 --> 01:11:10,320 you're talking about had no knowledge 1524 01:11:07,238 --> 01:11:14,439 well it says tyone Township Board is 1525 01:11:10,319 --> 01:11:14,439 charging us with nonis 1526 01:11:14,679 --> 01:11:19,640 uh that UT utterly made every one of us 1527 01:11:17,600 --> 01:11:21,000 look stupid because four of us didn't 1528 01:11:19,640 --> 01:11:24,440 even know about 1529 01:11:21,000 --> 01:11:26,238 it and I don't appreciate it and I think 1530 01:11:24,439 --> 01:11:28,479 we've had those convers 1531 01:11:26,238 --> 01:11:30,599 ations I know it was an error that was 1532 01:11:28,479 --> 01:11:35,319 made poor 1533 01:11:30,600 --> 01:11:38,120 judgment stupidity perhaps 1534 01:11:35,319 --> 01:11:40,880 um hopefully we can get past all this 1535 01:11:38,119 --> 01:11:44,719 and move forward as a board and learn 1536 01:11:40,880 --> 01:11:47,719 from our mistakes and start doing some 1537 01:11:44,719 --> 01:11:47,719 business 1538 01:12:07,399 --> 01:12:10,119 so make a 1539 01:12:12,760 --> 01:12:18,440 motion I guess I also would like to know 1540 01:12:15,399 --> 01:12:22,759 from the three of you how you feel at 1541 01:12:18,439 --> 01:12:26,158 this point in time do you feel that you 1542 01:12:22,760 --> 01:12:28,840 truly have done nothing wrong and 1543 01:12:26,158 --> 01:12:31,599 content 1544 01:12:28,840 --> 01:12:33,239 with you're content with the choices 1545 01:12:31,600 --> 01:12:36,440 you've 1546 01:12:33,238 --> 01:12:40,039 made and you feel that that 1547 01:12:36,439 --> 01:12:43,079 has um somehow improved things for the 1548 01:12:40,039 --> 01:12:43,079 township and for the Planning 1549 01:12:53,840 --> 01:12:57,800 Commission as mentioned in my 1550 01:12:55,800 --> 01:12:58,840 introduction I think there's always room 1551 01:12:57,800 --> 01:13:02,000 for 1552 01:12:58,840 --> 01:13:04,880 improvement right that's what I said 1553 01:13:02,000 --> 01:13:07,359 there's always room for improvement I I 1554 01:13:04,880 --> 01:13:10,279 can't speak there there's always room 1555 01:13:07,359 --> 01:13:13,359 for improvement so that's what I 1556 01:13:10,279 --> 01:13:15,119 say do we need to take action when 1557 01:13:13,359 --> 01:13:17,439 action and hold people accountable in 1558 01:13:15,119 --> 01:13:20,079 this Township 1559 01:13:17,439 --> 01:13:23,638 absolutely this Township has not done a 1560 01:13:20,079 --> 01:13:25,279 very good job of watching over fiary 1561 01:13:23,639 --> 01:13:27,719 responsibilities 1562 01:13:25,279 --> 01:13:29,960 spending the taxpayer money and all of 1563 01:13:27,719 --> 01:13:33,840 these things the business of the 1564 01:13:29,960 --> 01:13:37,800 township we have a lot of serious issues 1565 01:13:33,840 --> 01:13:40,360 ahead of us as well can we improve 1566 01:13:37,800 --> 01:13:42,400 absolutely I absolutely admit that we 1567 01:13:40,359 --> 01:13:43,279 can improve and that's what I look 1568 01:13:42,399 --> 01:13:45,679 forward 1569 01:13:43,279 --> 01:13:50,920 to 1570 01:13:45,679 --> 01:13:50,920 okay me too yeah 1571 01:14:01,079 --> 01:14:04,079 so what do you want to 1572 01:14:06,439 --> 01:14:11,519 do we are you Sor gr are we going to 1573 01:14:09,198 --> 01:14:15,238 stop with just 1574 01:14:11,520 --> 01:14:18,719 one no then make a 1575 01:14:15,238 --> 01:14:18,718 motion I make a 1576 01:14:18,800 --> 01:14:27,039 motion it's either one or I mean zero or 1577 01:14:22,238 --> 01:14:27,039 all of is there a second 1578 01:14:30,359 --> 01:14:37,000 support okay we'll do a roll call vote 1579 01:14:33,158 --> 01:14:41,559 Herman Ferguson yes Jennifer Eden yes 1580 01:14:37,000 --> 01:14:46,399 Greg CS no Chris Retta no Sarah dolman 1581 01:14:41,560 --> 01:14:48,280 Jersey yes Dean hos no Pam offer yes Pam 1582 01:14:46,399 --> 01:14:51,599 does he have to state with the motion is 1583 01:14:48,279 --> 01:14:57,439 for yes a resolution 1584 01:14:51,600 --> 01:14:57,440 2501 um of censor of trustee Dean 1585 01:14:59,840 --> 01:15:06,639 H okay moving forward to discussion of 1586 01:15:03,238 --> 01:15:06,638 censor of trustee Chris 1587 01:15:09,719 --> 01:15:14,480 Reta do have any questions or further 1588 01:15:16,920 --> 01:15:22,760 discussion no I make a 1589 01:15:19,279 --> 01:15:26,198 motion I I have concerns because Chris 1590 01:15:22,760 --> 01:15:28,639 you in particular are 1591 01:15:26,198 --> 01:15:30,359 the newly appointed EX officio on the 1592 01:15:28,639 --> 01:15:32,719 Planning Commission which is the body 1593 01:15:30,359 --> 01:15:38,000 that you were appointed to 1594 01:15:32,719 --> 01:15:40,600 serve and I I just 1595 01:15:38,000 --> 01:15:43,279 um I feel like the actions that you've 1596 01:15:40,600 --> 01:15:45,280 taken toward them have really 1597 01:15:43,279 --> 01:15:47,880 jeopardized that working 1598 01:15:45,279 --> 01:15:50,238 relationship so I'm bringing that up for 1599 01:15:47,880 --> 01:15:53,079 discussion I don't know if anyone else 1600 01:15:50,238 --> 01:15:55,039 has strong feelings about that I have 1601 01:15:53,079 --> 01:15:58,519 concerns as well if you're involved in 1602 01:15:55,039 --> 01:16:01,119 this type of letter how can you 1603 01:15:58,520 --> 01:16:03,080 um work with the Planning Commission 1604 01:16:01,119 --> 01:16:05,920 without being intimidating towards the 1605 01:16:03,079 --> 01:16:07,399 Planning Commission um I don't feel that 1606 01:16:05,920 --> 01:16:09,158 that would be a good working 1607 01:16:07,399 --> 01:16:12,839 relationship and it would not benefit 1608 01:16:09,158 --> 01:16:17,960 our Township um with that type of I 1609 01:16:12,840 --> 01:16:20,600 disagree I Chris has a 1610 01:16:17,960 --> 01:16:25,880 incredible knowledge on that he has 1611 01:16:20,600 --> 01:16:29,159 worked very hard uh it would be a severe 1612 01:16:25,880 --> 01:16:30,760 mistake to pull him off as our our 1613 01:16:29,158 --> 01:16:35,599 representative on that Planning 1614 01:16:30,760 --> 01:16:37,199 Commission a bad mistake and I I I we 1615 01:16:35,600 --> 01:16:39,039 need to be more concerned with this 1616 01:16:37,198 --> 01:16:41,799 board getting working together than that 1617 01:16:39,039 --> 01:16:45,800 board that board is on its way to be in 1618 01:16:41,800 --> 01:16:49,039 fine and I would not mess with it this 1619 01:16:45,800 --> 01:16:51,360 board we got some we got some repairs to 1620 01:16:49,039 --> 01:16:55,039 do here so I hope you're going to be 1621 01:16:51,359 --> 01:16:55,039 involved in those repairs 1622 01:17:01,729 --> 01:17:06,198 [Music] 1623 01:17:08,600 --> 01:17:14,760 Chuck in this in this 1624 01:17:11,719 --> 01:17:18,960 situation please quiet everyone in this 1625 01:17:14,760 --> 01:17:22,719 situation so we have appointed as a 1626 01:17:18,960 --> 01:17:26,679 board uh Mr Reta as ex official to the 1627 01:17:22,719 --> 01:17:29,639 Planning Commission can we SED that as a 1628 01:17:26,679 --> 01:17:32,960 board according to the Roberts Rules of 1629 01:17:29,639 --> 01:17:35,600 Order the appointment was made was it 1630 01:17:32,960 --> 01:17:38,119 two meetings ago you can you speak in 1631 01:17:35,600 --> 01:17:39,400 the microphone according to Robert's 1632 01:17:38,119 --> 01:17:40,880 Rules of Order which I think the 1633 01:17:39,399 --> 01:17:43,759 township has 1634 01:17:40,880 --> 01:17:46,119 adopted um the only way to go about that 1635 01:17:43,760 --> 01:17:49,639 would be to at the same meeting that he 1636 01:17:46,119 --> 01:17:52,599 was appointed address it then or at the 1637 01:17:49,639 --> 01:17:55,279 immediately following meeting and so 1638 01:17:52,600 --> 01:17:57,079 according to the Roberts Rules of Order 1639 01:17:55,279 --> 01:18:00,519 that mechanism is unavailable at this 1640 01:17:57,079 --> 01:18:04,279 point okay what options do we have how 1641 01:18:00,520 --> 01:18:06,120 can we make that a good working 1642 01:18:04,279 --> 01:18:08,800 relationship are you asking me what 1643 01:18:06,119 --> 01:18:12,119 options you have to change the positions 1644 01:18:08,800 --> 01:18:15,440 on the first to remove him from that 1645 01:18:12,119 --> 01:18:17,960 position the board could charge him with 1646 01:18:15,439 --> 01:18:20,119 malfeasance nonfeasance 1647 01:18:17,960 --> 01:18:22,399 misfeasance if the board charges them 1648 01:18:20,119 --> 01:18:24,880 with that you would have a scheduled 1649 01:18:22,399 --> 01:18:27,519 public hearing they could answer the 1650 01:18:24,880 --> 01:18:32,159 charges and after that public hearing 1651 01:18:27,520 --> 01:18:32,159 the Township board can vote 1652 01:18:36,600 --> 01:18:43,600 okay is that a discussion that we should 1653 01:18:39,319 --> 01:18:43,599 have and move forward with that 1654 01:18:43,800 --> 01:18:48,960 yes I'd like to know what the commission 1655 01:18:46,600 --> 01:18:52,039 thinks 1656 01:18:48,960 --> 01:18:54,119 oh I don't know that we can are the 1657 01:18:52,039 --> 01:18:55,319 Planning Commission members here are all 1658 01:18:54,119 --> 01:18:57,119 of them here 1659 01:18:55,319 --> 01:18:59,679 well we should probably ask before we do 1660 01:18:57,119 --> 01:19:02,198 that if it's legal to ask them that is 1661 01:18:59,679 --> 01:19:04,639 it legal to ask them that their opinion 1662 01:19:02,198 --> 01:19:08,359 their opinion on or do we do that what I 1663 01:19:04,639 --> 01:19:10,039 would tell you first of all um you can 1664 01:19:08,359 --> 01:19:13,119 discuss this issue 1665 01:19:10,039 --> 01:19:15,399 tonight I would tell you that within the 1666 01:19:13,119 --> 01:19:18,000 time frame that we have in our 1667 01:19:15,399 --> 01:19:21,799 bylaws put it on your 1668 01:19:18,000 --> 01:19:23,600 agenda to decide whether to charge then 1669 01:19:21,800 --> 01:19:25,719 at the date of the public hearing 1670 01:19:23,600 --> 01:19:27,920 anybody including the PC members would 1671 01:19:25,719 --> 01:19:29,800 have the opportunity to talk and 1672 01:19:27,920 --> 01:19:31,399 obviously at the call of the public uh 1673 01:19:29,800 --> 01:19:33,600 during a regular meeting they can voice 1674 01:19:31,399 --> 01:19:36,599 their opinions there 1675 01:19:33,600 --> 01:19:36,600 too 1676 01:19:36,920 --> 01:19:43,000 okay as a board do we want that on our 1677 01:19:39,600 --> 01:19:43,000 next agenda 1678 01:19:43,319 --> 01:19:49,479 yes 1679 01:19:45,840 --> 01:19:53,199 stion doesn't have to be a motion the 1680 01:19:49,479 --> 01:19:56,638 agenda it no it doesn't have have to be 1681 01:19:53,198 --> 01:19:56,638 a motion to be put on the agenda 1682 01:19:57,039 --> 01:20:00,760 just in a conversation are you on board 1683 01:19:59,238 --> 01:20:03,439 with that Sarah I'm on board with a 1684 01:20:00,760 --> 01:20:05,000 conversation yeah 1685 01:20:03,439 --> 01:20:08,960 GRE 1686 01:20:05,000 --> 01:20:12,600 sure Jennifer y Dean I'm on board with a 1687 01:20:08,960 --> 01:20:14,198 conversation sure yes could you clarify 1688 01:20:12,600 --> 01:20:15,400 again what what we're supposed to be on 1689 01:20:14,198 --> 01:20:19,799 board with or 1690 01:20:15,399 --> 01:20:23,479 not having a conversation um on our next 1691 01:20:19,800 --> 01:20:25,159 board meeting having it on the agenda to 1692 01:20:23,479 --> 01:20:28,158 discuss um 1693 01:20:25,158 --> 01:20:31,198 a public hearing to remove you as ex 1694 01:20:28,158 --> 01:20:35,000 officio to the Planning Commission 1695 01:20:31,198 --> 01:20:35,000 sure for male Fe 1696 01:20:35,399 --> 01:20:40,279 since okay well then we'll put it on our 1697 01:20:37,920 --> 01:20:40,279 next 1698 01:20:43,158 --> 01:20:49,079 agenda okay so we're on the resolution 1699 01:20:46,158 --> 01:20:53,638 of censor of trustee Chris Retta is 1700 01:20:49,079 --> 01:20:55,559 there a motion I make a motion 1701 01:20:53,639 --> 01:20:59,679 okay for 1702 01:20:55,560 --> 01:21:01,400 2501 of censor of trustee Chris Retta is 1703 01:20:59,679 --> 01:21:03,679 there a 1704 01:21:01,399 --> 01:21:06,039 second 1705 01:21:03,679 --> 01:21:10,158 support okay we'll do a roll call vote 1706 01:21:06,039 --> 01:21:14,119 Greg CS no Sarah dolman Jersey yes Chris 1707 01:21:10,158 --> 01:21:19,879 Retta no Herman Ferguson yes Jennifer 1708 01:21:14,119 --> 01:21:19,880 Eden yes Dean hos no Pam mler 1709 01:21:22,760 --> 01:21:28,039 yes can you 1710 01:21:25,760 --> 01:21:28,039 Sarah 1711 01:21:31,319 --> 01:21:35,840 Sarah okay moving on to new business 1712 01:21:33,800 --> 01:21:38,400 number four request of Trustees for 1713 01:21:35,840 --> 01:21:41,119 Township email addresses laptops phones 1714 01:21:38,399 --> 01:21:41,119 and business 1715 01:21:50,279 --> 01:21:55,039 cards who made the 1716 01:21:52,679 --> 01:22:00,840 request the 1717 01:21:55,039 --> 01:22:00,840 Mr Reta requested a laptop cell 1718 01:22:01,880 --> 01:22:10,520 pH did you want to leave that discussion 1719 01:22:05,198 --> 01:22:12,839 Greg um sure sure I I 1720 01:22:10,520 --> 01:22:16,239 uh talked 1721 01:22:12,840 --> 01:22:16,239 to with an 1722 01:22:16,319 --> 01:22:25,319 attorney um actually 1723 01:22:19,520 --> 01:22:28,760 Laura Foster Swift and um regarding this 1724 01:22:25,319 --> 01:22:32,880 rals well I talked to her Municipal 1725 01:22:28,760 --> 01:22:35,560 conflict of interest um to and she I I 1726 01:22:32,880 --> 01:22:41,319 just asked her about 1727 01:22:35,560 --> 01:22:47,639 uh What uh other townships do and um she 1728 01:22:41,319 --> 01:22:49,359 told me that uh email uh addresses were 1729 01:22:47,639 --> 01:22:51,000 were pretty 1730 01:22:49,359 --> 01:22:57,639 typical 1731 01:22:51,000 --> 01:23:02,000 um um laptops no um phones mobile phones 1732 01:22:57,639 --> 01:23:04,600 yes and she couldn't really answer the 1733 01:23:02,000 --> 01:23:04,600 the business 1734 01:23:04,840 --> 01:23:11,800 card I I I really just the uh recall her 1735 01:23:09,479 --> 01:23:13,119 saying that the township email addresses 1736 01:23:11,800 --> 01:23:14,880 were 1737 01:23:13,119 --> 01:23:17,039 definitely 1738 01:23:14,880 --> 01:23:19,359 um 1739 01:23:17,039 --> 01:23:24,119 uh what other 1740 01:23:19,359 --> 01:23:24,119 townships recommend or do 1741 01:23:26,000 --> 01:23:29,639 can I ask our Municipal attorney that's 1742 01:23:28,039 --> 01:23:31,279 sitting here to my left his thoughts 1743 01:23:29,639 --> 01:23:33,039 about that and whether or 1744 01:23:31,279 --> 01:23:35,920 not 1745 01:23:33,039 --> 01:23:39,560 sure I I've already had a conversation 1746 01:23:35,920 --> 01:23:39,560 with a couple of the trustees 1747 01:23:39,639 --> 01:23:45,719 not I I've had a discussion with a 1748 01:23:42,719 --> 01:23:48,840 couple of Trustees where I did recommend 1749 01:23:45,719 --> 01:23:51,679 that the board members have Township 1750 01:23:48,840 --> 01:23:54,719 email addresses and that all business 1751 01:23:51,679 --> 01:23:57,960 that is all Communications I should say 1752 01:23:54,719 --> 01:24:00,920 say relating to the township go through 1753 01:23:57,960 --> 01:24:04,719 those emails as opposed to 1754 01:24:00,920 --> 01:24:07,199 privates can you explain why because the 1755 01:24:04,719 --> 01:24:11,158 documents that you are creating through 1756 01:24:07,198 --> 01:24:14,319 those emails are public 1757 01:24:11,158 --> 01:24:17,559 records if there were ever a lawsuit by 1758 01:24:14,319 --> 01:24:19,519 anybody claiming that the uh records 1759 01:24:17,560 --> 01:24:23,000 retention act has been 1760 01:24:19,520 --> 01:24:24,719 violated or there has been a lack of a 1761 01:24:23,000 --> 01:24:26,679 proper response to the free of 1762 01:24:24,719 --> 01:24:30,239 Information Act 1763 01:24:26,679 --> 01:24:33,520 request and if that lawsuit is filed 1764 01:24:30,238 --> 01:24:37,158 then if personal devices with personal 1765 01:24:33,520 --> 01:24:40,800 emails are used they are subject to 1766 01:24:37,158 --> 01:24:43,920 subpoena which means all of your phones 1767 01:24:40,800 --> 01:24:47,520 could be examined and everything on it 1768 01:24:43,920 --> 01:24:51,319 potentially could be made 1769 01:24:47,520 --> 01:24:55,639 public furthermore by using a Township 1770 01:24:51,319 --> 01:24:59,399 email address it is much easier here to 1771 01:24:55,639 --> 01:25:02,039 be able to gather Township records and 1772 01:24:59,399 --> 01:25:05,559 keep them as 1773 01:25:02,039 --> 01:25:08,000 required so I recommend I recommended 1774 01:25:05,560 --> 01:25:11,719 within the last month that the township 1775 01:25:08,000 --> 01:25:13,960 have email addresses assigned for the 1776 01:25:11,719 --> 01:25:18,039 trustees 1777 01:25:13,960 --> 01:25:20,840 sense what is to prevent a board member 1778 01:25:18,039 --> 01:25:23,079 from having a Township email address to 1779 01:25:20,840 --> 01:25:26,800 conduct Township 1780 01:25:23,079 --> 01:25:26,800 business um but 1781 01:25:27,279 --> 01:25:33,079 then trusting those individuals to not 1782 01:25:30,359 --> 01:25:36,639 be conducting their Township business 1783 01:25:33,079 --> 01:25:38,600 with their personal email outside of 1784 01:25:36,639 --> 01:25:42,239 those parameters unfortunately there 1785 01:25:38,600 --> 01:25:45,760 there's no guarantee there isn't um you 1786 01:25:42,238 --> 01:25:47,198 know and so if if people are to use 1787 01:25:45,760 --> 01:25:50,079 private 1788 01:25:47,198 --> 01:25:51,638 emails um if they're ever caught because 1789 01:25:50,079 --> 01:25:53,519 of a 1790 01:25:51,639 --> 01:25:57,239 lawsuit you know that's potential 1791 01:25:53,520 --> 01:26:01,080 liability to the Township and them 1792 01:25:57,238 --> 01:26:06,198 individually um you know 1793 01:26:01,079 --> 01:26:08,920 I I have reviewed parts of the law 1794 01:26:06,198 --> 01:26:11,799 recently and not only could the township 1795 01:26:08,920 --> 01:26:14,520 be liable and be hit with a civil 1796 01:26:11,800 --> 01:26:17,159 penalty which could include the payment 1797 01:26:14,520 --> 01:26:18,920 of a lawyer's attorney fees who 1798 01:26:17,158 --> 01:26:20,039 represented a member of the public suing 1799 01:26:18,920 --> 01:26:23,840 the 1800 01:26:20,039 --> 01:26:25,880 township but a a Township Board member 1801 01:26:23,840 --> 01:26:28,719 who 1802 01:26:25,880 --> 01:26:30,960 falsifies that they have provided public 1803 01:26:28,719 --> 01:26:32,279 records in response to a Freedom of 1804 01:26:30,960 --> 01:26:36,079 Information Act 1805 01:26:32,279 --> 01:26:36,079 request they could be charged 1806 01:26:36,279 --> 01:26:41,559 criminally and so while there's no 1807 01:26:38,238 --> 01:26:43,959 guarantees there's plenty of 1808 01:26:41,560 --> 01:26:45,159 incentive to keep your personal business 1809 01:26:43,960 --> 01:26:48,158 separate from that of the public 1810 01:26:45,158 --> 01:26:48,158 business 1811 01:26:55,198 --> 01:26:57,519 so 1812 01:26:58,399 --> 01:27:07,039 no so you vot 1813 01:27:02,359 --> 01:27:10,198 individually each one computer phone 1814 01:27:07,039 --> 01:27:11,960 email business cards or just know on 1815 01:27:10,198 --> 01:27:14,559 everything I just had one comment I 1816 01:27:11,960 --> 01:27:16,079 don't mind the email addresses I get 1817 01:27:14,560 --> 01:27:19,440 that 1818 01:27:16,079 --> 01:27:21,719 um the the trustees are not supposed to 1819 01:27:19,439 --> 01:27:23,839 be conducting business outside of this 1820 01:27:21,719 --> 01:27:26,520 boardroom so I'm not sure why you would 1821 01:27:23,840 --> 01:27:28,360 need a lap time laptop phones or 1822 01:27:26,520 --> 01:27:29,440 business cards because who are you 1823 01:27:28,359 --> 01:27:32,920 handing them 1824 01:27:29,439 --> 01:27:34,000 to um because we're conducting our 1825 01:27:32,920 --> 01:27:36,840 business 1826 01:27:34,000 --> 01:27:39,279 here that's just my thoughts but I don't 1827 01:27:36,840 --> 01:27:41,199 have a problem with the email addresses 1828 01:27:39,279 --> 01:27:43,479 I don't either I don't need have it 1829 01:27:41,198 --> 01:27:46,439 doesn't cost anything well it does it 1830 01:27:43,479 --> 01:27:49,279 does it does it it'll be uh about 12 1831 01:27:46,439 --> 01:27:51,759 bucks a month per email address and the 1832 01:27:49,279 --> 01:27:52,880 and the IT people have to set it up and 1833 01:27:51,760 --> 01:27:56,119 all 1834 01:27:52,880 --> 01:27:56,118 that yeah 1835 01:27:57,118 --> 01:28:01,599 not a big expense for making it easier 1836 01:27:59,399 --> 01:28:04,559 for right 1837 01:28:01,600 --> 01:28:07,360 right Township record I 1838 01:28:04,560 --> 01:28:08,760 guess so what we do great on each one so 1839 01:28:07,359 --> 01:28:12,639 we're going to go ahead with the email 1840 01:28:08,760 --> 01:28:15,159 what about the computer phone business 1841 01:28:12,639 --> 01:28:17,079 cards are these separate things yeah I 1842 01:28:15,158 --> 01:28:19,000 think you can there's no reason you 1843 01:28:17,079 --> 01:28:21,399 can't vote on them individually okay 1844 01:28:19,000 --> 01:28:25,479 we'll start with the emails I make a 1845 01:28:21,399 --> 01:28:31,920 motion we accept the emails 1846 01:28:25,479 --> 01:28:31,919 support all in favor I I I 1847 01:28:33,000 --> 01:28:39,880 oppose all right um what about the 1848 01:28:36,639 --> 01:28:41,480 laptops no I don't support that expense 1849 01:28:39,880 --> 01:28:44,840 I don't think it's 1850 01:28:41,479 --> 01:28:44,839 necessary let's 1851 01:28:45,880 --> 01:28:50,600 vote all in favor of the but we don't 1852 01:28:48,479 --> 01:28:54,839 have to make a a vote on it if no one's 1853 01:28:50,600 --> 01:28:58,840 making a motion on it oh yeah motion for 1854 01:28:54,840 --> 01:29:01,800 laptop no you want to make a motion 1855 01:28:58,840 --> 01:29:04,319 okay laptops are off did you want to 1856 01:29:01,800 --> 01:29:07,199 make a motion oh I'm okay if you guys 1857 01:29:04,319 --> 01:29:10,479 it's clear you guys aren't laptops off 1858 01:29:07,198 --> 01:29:10,479 okay uh 1859 01:29:12,560 --> 01:29:20,360 phones I got a motion for phones a 1860 01:29:15,880 --> 01:29:20,359 motion for a phone I got a 1861 01:29:22,118 --> 01:29:30,960 second all right uh phones are off and 1862 01:29:26,560 --> 01:29:30,960 then uh do I got a motion for business 1863 01:29:31,479 --> 01:29:40,000 cards a motion for business 1864 01:29:34,840 --> 01:29:44,480 cards it was my request yeah of course 1865 01:29:40,000 --> 01:29:46,439 uh no second okay business cards are off 1866 01:29:44,479 --> 01:29:50,718 to 1867 01:29:46,439 --> 01:29:53,719 so Township eail addresses for uh the 1868 01:29:50,719 --> 01:29:53,719 trustees 1869 01:29:54,920 --> 01:29:58,399 so they'll be supplied to all four 1870 01:29:56,560 --> 01:30:02,960 trustees yes 1871 01:29:58,399 --> 01:30:06,079 okay all right on to uh number five the 1872 01:30:02,960 --> 01:30:07,719 the uh Peg funding 1873 01:30:06,079 --> 01:30:10,519 yes 1874 01:30:07,719 --> 01:30:13,719 join well 1875 01:30:10,520 --> 01:30:15,920 um does everybody understand what Peg 1876 01:30:13,719 --> 01:30:19,279 funding is all 1877 01:30:15,920 --> 01:30:24,000 about I I have some questions about it 1878 01:30:19,279 --> 01:30:25,800 okay and if if if if nobody Minds I 1879 01:30:24,000 --> 01:30:28,600 reviewed the documentation and I've 1880 01:30:25,800 --> 01:30:32,239 looked at the peg funding before so I 1881 01:30:28,600 --> 01:30:35,400 kind of got and understand that we give 1882 01:30:32,238 --> 01:30:36,718 the school systems and potentially parks 1883 01:30:35,399 --> 01:30:39,279 and other people but we don't have 1884 01:30:36,719 --> 01:30:42,960 anything going to those but is this a 1885 01:30:39,279 --> 01:30:45,319 mandate use of taxes by state law or by 1886 01:30:42,960 --> 01:30:48,000 county law good good question this is 1887 01:30:45,319 --> 01:30:50,719 where Jennifer can help you because this 1888 01:30:48,000 --> 01:30:53,079 really isn't our money it's not our 1889 01:30:50,719 --> 01:30:55,118 money no no I understand explain the 1890 01:30:53,079 --> 01:30:57,399 whole process 1891 01:30:55,118 --> 01:31:00,000 sorry um you know what's great is she's 1892 01:30:57,399 --> 01:31:02,238 on that the chair of the board chair of 1893 01:31:00,000 --> 01:31:05,279 the board of the fact which is Fenton 1894 01:31:02,238 --> 01:31:08,678 area cable television custum so what 1895 01:31:05,279 --> 01:31:10,960 happens is the state mandated the cable 1896 01:31:08,679 --> 01:31:13,840 companies to charge a fee and then they 1897 01:31:10,960 --> 01:31:17,840 give that back to us so we get a check 1898 01:31:13,840 --> 01:31:19,319 um from spectrum and from AT&T um but 1899 01:31:17,840 --> 01:31:23,920 those funds can only be used for 1900 01:31:19,319 --> 01:31:26,238 educational purposes on equipment so the 1901 01:31:23,920 --> 01:31:28,520 Fenton area or the fact group Fenton 1902 01:31:26,238 --> 01:31:32,238 area cable television cardium they 1903 01:31:28,520 --> 01:31:34,560 started in Fenton um is includes Lyon 1904 01:31:32,238 --> 01:31:37,718 Schools um Heartland we brought in 1905 01:31:34,560 --> 01:31:41,080 Heartland schools um lynon Fenton and 1906 01:31:37,719 --> 01:31:44,520 Lake Fenton um schools 1907 01:31:41,079 --> 01:31:47,880 so all of them combined um we each get 1908 01:31:44,520 --> 01:31:51,360 monies and it shows you on let's 1909 01:31:47,880 --> 01:31:55,440 see so you can tell so last year on the 1910 01:31:51,359 --> 01:31:58,039 top of that list annual Peg fee receipts 1911 01:31:55,439 --> 01:32:01,439 yep um the four of us received 1912 01:31:58,039 --> 01:32:05,198 238,000 Tyrone Township you see we um 1913 01:32:01,439 --> 01:32:08,439 gain 42,1 163 based on that as a 1914 01:32:05,198 --> 01:32:10,719 percentage of what we give out you know 1915 01:32:08,439 --> 01:32:13,599 fent in Township you'll see receed more 1916 01:32:10,719 --> 01:32:16,399 so they pay out a more bigger percentage 1917 01:32:13,600 --> 01:32:18,679 of what's given or offered so those 1918 01:32:16,399 --> 01:32:21,319 monies can only go to the schools and as 1919 01:32:18,679 --> 01:32:23,880 you can see you can see the applications 1920 01:32:21,319 --> 01:32:26,639 um we have a streamline we have 1921 01:32:23,880 --> 01:32:29,079 inventories each school has an inventory 1922 01:32:26,639 --> 01:32:31,760 um if someone let's say Heartland isn't 1923 01:32:29,079 --> 01:32:33,479 using two cameras and Fenton can use 1924 01:32:31,760 --> 01:32:35,840 them then we remove them from this 1925 01:32:33,479 --> 01:32:38,399 inventory we transfer them within good 1926 01:32:35,840 --> 01:32:41,360 so if they're asking for them and and U 1927 01:32:38,399 --> 01:32:45,000 Michael Fox is our Peg coordinat I 1928 01:32:41,359 --> 01:32:48,639 saw website that you guys have 1929 01:32:45,000 --> 01:32:49,639 where wasn't using they can school has 1930 01:32:48,639 --> 01:32:52,359 the 1931 01:32:49,639 --> 01:32:54,359 inventory uh each other's inventories 1932 01:32:52,359 --> 01:32:58,000 and Michael has everybody's 1933 01:32:54,359 --> 01:33:00,319 two c in you see there's two and they 1934 01:32:58,000 --> 01:33:02,719 can even rent them or not rent them but 1935 01:33:00,319 --> 01:33:04,679 check them out so a student checks these 1936 01:33:02,719 --> 01:33:09,679 out so they're used for their video 1937 01:33:04,679 --> 01:33:11,399 audio um classes their computer classes 1938 01:33:09,679 --> 01:33:14,840 um so 1939 01:33:11,399 --> 01:33:16,359 it's it it's really streamlined like 1940 01:33:14,840 --> 01:33:19,000 their inventory everything has to have a 1941 01:33:16,359 --> 01:33:22,158 label on it when it comes in the new it 1942 01:33:19,000 --> 01:33:24,198 gets a barcode so wherever it is the 1943 01:33:22,158 --> 01:33:26,238 school knows where it's at if one comes 1944 01:33:24,198 --> 01:33:28,919 up missing then they have to replace it 1945 01:33:26,238 --> 01:33:31,959 if a kid if I checked it out and I lost 1946 01:33:28,920 --> 01:33:35,039 it guess what I'm paying for it right so 1947 01:33:31,960 --> 01:33:38,399 it's um and then they get to so they get 1948 01:33:35,039 --> 01:33:39,800 to P the request it's very streamlined 1949 01:33:38,399 --> 01:33:42,158 if they don't need it if might thinks 1950 01:33:39,800 --> 01:33:46,159 they don't need it couple of the schools 1951 01:33:42,158 --> 01:33:48,759 act asked for acting costumes and we 1952 01:33:46,158 --> 01:33:52,559 said no that wasn't happening so those 1953 01:33:48,760 --> 01:33:54,440 were removed um um well to them they're 1954 01:33:52,560 --> 01:33:56,600 important right but to me they're not 1955 01:33:54,439 --> 01:33:58,638 educational equipment you know we don't 1956 01:33:56,600 --> 01:34:00,880 need a costume we don't need fruit in a 1957 01:33:58,639 --> 01:34:03,960 bowl that was one of the things asked 1958 01:34:00,880 --> 01:34:07,118 for um so they are they are streamlined 1959 01:34:03,960 --> 01:34:09,840 but it isn't our monies it is um for 1960 01:34:07,118 --> 01:34:12,519 only that group it's one of those funds 1961 01:34:09,840 --> 01:34:16,360 that is um dictated of what you can 1962 01:34:12,520 --> 01:34:17,159 spend those monies on so this year um 1963 01:34:16,359 --> 01:34:19,839 the 1964 01:34:17,158 --> 01:34:22,118 schools F Fenton area public schools 1965 01:34:19,840 --> 01:34:24,679 Lake Fenton Lyon Heartland Southern 1966 01:34:22,118 --> 01:34:26,719 Lakes parks and Rex and and then the fat 1967 01:34:24,679 --> 01:34:28,760 coordinator if he needs something um 1968 01:34:26,719 --> 01:34:30,880 only the three of them four of them 1969 01:34:28,760 --> 01:34:34,760 excuse me have asked for something and 1970 01:34:30,880 --> 01:34:36,960 our amount is what I'm asking for asking 1971 01:34:34,760 --> 01:34:42,000 the board to 1972 01:34:36,960 --> 01:34:44,118 um pass is the 35,000 556 you may have 1973 01:34:42,000 --> 01:34:46,399 noticed that Harland is only solely 1974 01:34:44,118 --> 01:34:49,399 under Tyrone Township and that is 1975 01:34:46,399 --> 01:34:52,039 because we invited them into this group 1976 01:34:49,399 --> 01:34:53,359 and we take Initiative for them because 1977 01:34:52,039 --> 01:34:55,800 we are the only ones that we collect 1978 01:34:53,359 --> 01:34:59,799 their tax money for we get that Revenue 1979 01:34:55,800 --> 01:35:02,639 we get the cable for that so we do a 1980 01:34:59,800 --> 01:35:05,480 21% we pay theirs and then we get a 1981 01:35:02,639 --> 01:35:07,560 lower amount on everybody else's to make 1982 01:35:05,479 --> 01:35:09,799 up for it and so this as you mentioned 1983 01:35:07,560 --> 01:35:12,320 the monies for this 35,000 are 1984 01:35:09,800 --> 01:35:14,600 reimbursed To Us by the it's not 1985 01:35:12,319 --> 01:35:16,920 reimbursed it's already in a fund it's 1986 01:35:14,600 --> 01:35:20,119 in a fund yes so we have currently in 1987 01:35:16,920 --> 01:35:20,118 the fund is 1988 01:35:20,399 --> 01:35:26,118 $425,000 okay so we're not we're not 1989 01:35:22,840 --> 01:35:26,880 charging our residence in that sense uh 1990 01:35:26,118 --> 01:35:30,439 this 1991 01:35:26,880 --> 01:35:32,600 $35,000 and then no it comes solely from 1992 01:35:30,439 --> 01:35:35,439 the cable TVs it's a fee that the state 1993 01:35:32,600 --> 01:35:39,000 mandated them um 1994 01:35:35,439 --> 01:35:42,439 to charge every consumer that has it 1995 01:35:39,000 --> 01:35:43,960 residents yeah res pay for it they give 1996 01:35:42,439 --> 01:35:46,399 it to their cable company and then the 1997 01:35:43,960 --> 01:35:49,198 cable company gives it back to 1998 01:35:46,399 --> 01:35:52,439 us right all right so it's a it's it's 1999 01:35:49,198 --> 01:35:54,399 not the direc right and right and am I 2000 01:35:52,439 --> 01:35:57,439 clear in my understanding we actually 2001 01:35:54,399 --> 01:36:01,158 have more money in our 2002 01:35:57,439 --> 01:36:03,919 fund we have to give up right so it's 2003 01:36:01,158 --> 01:36:07,039 it's an ongoing fund that grow some 2004 01:36:03,920 --> 01:36:10,118 years they ask for more some years um 2005 01:36:07,039 --> 01:36:12,880 they ask for Less I mean it's a is one 2006 01:36:10,118 --> 01:36:15,000 time ask I mean once a year we do that 2007 01:36:12,880 --> 01:36:17,359 once a year yes once a year unless they 2008 01:36:15,000 --> 01:36:19,359 have something that happens um unless 2009 01:36:17,359 --> 01:36:22,519 say their building gets hit by power and 2010 01:36:19,359 --> 01:36:24,639 they lose like Chang as yeah right then 2011 01:36:22,520 --> 01:36:28,080 they make but typically it's done once a 2012 01:36:24,639 --> 01:36:30,000 year at this time um and then they have 2013 01:36:28,079 --> 01:36:32,118 they order the equipment we all approve 2014 01:36:30,000 --> 01:36:34,198 them and then they order the equipment 2015 01:36:32,118 --> 01:36:36,000 by the end of the school year and get it 2016 01:36:34,198 --> 01:36:39,238 submitted so next year it's all up and 2017 01:36:36,000 --> 01:36:41,198 running by August when they start school 2018 01:36:39,238 --> 01:36:44,718 okay sounds good did I answer 2019 01:36:41,198 --> 01:36:46,839 everybody's question yeah yeah thank you 2020 01:36:44,719 --> 01:36:48,960 I was also looking at a little bit 2021 01:36:46,840 --> 01:36:51,319 introspectively about reporting and 2022 01:36:48,960 --> 01:36:53,920 stuff to see if any of the people taking 2023 01:36:51,319 --> 01:36:55,719 these classes actually had the impact of 2024 01:36:53,920 --> 01:36:58,440 what they were saying you know like to 2025 01:36:55,719 --> 01:37:00,118 impact Community television or right 2026 01:36:58,439 --> 01:37:01,759 actually a couple of them are working at 2027 01:37:00,118 --> 01:37:03,719 the news station well that's that was 2028 01:37:01,760 --> 01:37:05,880 what my question was is it see the 2029 01:37:03,719 --> 01:37:09,560 results of the actually the board 2030 01:37:05,880 --> 01:37:11,480 request to go and look at bu at our next 2031 01:37:09,560 --> 01:37:15,080 fact meeting if you guys would want to 2032 01:37:11,479 --> 01:37:18,519 join um You Can Be Our Guest and go in 2033 01:37:15,079 --> 01:37:20,519 there and their studios are phenomenal 2034 01:37:18,520 --> 01:37:24,480 Lake Fenton and Heartland even well 2035 01:37:20,520 --> 01:37:26,480 Fenton too um they're very nice and to 2036 01:37:24,479 --> 01:37:29,079 see the kids sitting down and what they 2037 01:37:26,479 --> 01:37:31,919 can they streamline most of them are 2038 01:37:29,079 --> 01:37:35,679 doing um little segments before school 2039 01:37:31,920 --> 01:37:39,800 starts um they go you know ask advice of 2040 01:37:35,679 --> 01:37:42,079 teachers or um ask the kids you know 2041 01:37:39,800 --> 01:37:44,480 take a poll or whatever but um they're 2042 01:37:42,079 --> 01:37:46,238 really engaged and to see them sitting 2043 01:37:44,479 --> 01:37:49,039 down we got to view some of the classes 2044 01:37:46,238 --> 01:37:50,959 to see them sitting down and in using 2045 01:37:49,039 --> 01:37:53,560 the equipment that we're able to offer 2046 01:37:50,960 --> 01:37:56,319 them to teach them and train them and 2047 01:37:53,560 --> 01:37:59,320 their video in it it's great it's great 2048 01:37:56,319 --> 01:38:00,920 to see I I'd like to see kids excited 2049 01:37:59,319 --> 01:38:05,118 sure about those kind of fact that's 2050 01:38:00,920 --> 01:38:05,118 great thank you I don't have any other 2051 01:38:08,198 --> 01:38:14,799 questions all right I'm looking for a 2052 01:38:10,760 --> 01:38:19,679 motion to approve the 2053 01:38:14,800 --> 01:38:25,440 35556 for Peg funding I make a motion 2054 01:38:19,679 --> 01:38:25,440 second all in favor I I 2055 01:38:25,599 --> 01:38:27,840 all 2056 01:38:29,238 --> 01:38:34,328 right miscellaneous 2057 01:38:31,289 --> 01:38:34,328 [Music] 2058 01:38:36,000 --> 01:38:43,719 business all right 2059 01:38:39,118 --> 01:38:45,839 and uh Mr supervisor um we should have 2060 01:38:43,719 --> 01:38:48,679 on our next 2061 01:38:45,840 --> 01:38:51,760 agenda the issue of the appeal to the 2062 01:38:48,679 --> 01:38:54,840 Circuit Court from the township decision 2063 01:38:51,760 --> 01:38:56,440 to deny a zoning very and I think it's 2064 01:38:54,840 --> 01:39:01,440 uh 2065 01:38:56,439 --> 01:39:04,439 Anderson as I recall okay y um there has 2066 01:39:01,439 --> 01:39:07,799 been an offer made by the other side to 2067 01:39:04,439 --> 01:39:11,839 settle another off pardon no it's the 2068 01:39:07,800 --> 01:39:13,960 same one that I advised existed okay and 2069 01:39:11,840 --> 01:39:16,960 and uh I would recommend that we go in 2070 01:39:13,960 --> 01:39:17,880 close session to discuss strategy on 2071 01:39:16,960 --> 01:39:20,439 that 2072 01:39:17,880 --> 01:39:24,039 case we do have another appeal that's 2073 01:39:20,439 --> 01:39:26,000 pending we don't have any offers from 2074 01:39:24,039 --> 01:39:27,800 the other side we don't even have an 2075 01:39:26,000 --> 01:39:30,158 oral argument date as I 2076 01:39:27,800 --> 01:39:32,560 recall uh for the disposition of that 2077 01:39:30,158 --> 01:39:33,359 case so that does not need to be done at 2078 01:39:32,560 --> 01:39:35,520 this 2079 01:39:33,359 --> 01:39:38,238 point 2080 01:39:35,520 --> 01:39:39,920 um so I you know request at the next 2081 01:39:38,238 --> 01:39:41,879 board meeting we discuss that appeal 2082 01:39:39,920 --> 01:39:44,719 that one appeal I think it's 2083 01:39:41,880 --> 01:39:48,359 Anderson the yeah on the zoning issue 2084 01:39:44,719 --> 01:39:52,279 the zba thing yeah okay yeah I'm 2085 01:39:48,359 --> 01:39:54,238 I'm okay all right well you now talk 2086 01:39:52,279 --> 01:39:57,118 about that and then we'll get on the get 2087 01:39:54,238 --> 01:39:57,118 it on the agenda 2088 01:39:57,960 --> 01:40:03,439 yep all 2089 01:40:00,520 --> 01:40:08,080 right any other miscellaneous business 2090 01:40:03,439 --> 01:40:08,079 then we'll do public remarks go ahead 2091 01:40:08,560 --> 01:40:13,520 Scott all right okay Grant was good you 2092 01:40:11,800 --> 01:40:16,599 guys actually saw smiled and had a 2093 01:40:13,520 --> 01:40:19,880 conversation and work together it was 2094 01:40:16,599 --> 01:40:22,159 great all right um I he I talked to a 2095 01:40:19,880 --> 01:40:25,079 lot of people since all this has went 2096 01:40:22,158 --> 01:40:27,238 down and I was one one of the ones most 2097 01:40:25,079 --> 01:40:29,840 disappointed in the bunch because I 2098 01:40:27,238 --> 01:40:30,959 fought hard for years to get things done 2099 01:40:29,840 --> 01:40:33,920 in this 2100 01:40:30,960 --> 01:40:36,880 Township 2101 01:40:33,920 --> 01:40:38,560 um I've heard lawsuits and the only one 2102 01:40:36,880 --> 01:40:39,599 you're going to sue I talked to Kevin 2103 01:40:38,560 --> 01:40:43,199 the only one you're going to sue is the 2104 01:40:39,599 --> 01:40:45,039 people people didn't do this Greg took 2105 01:40:43,198 --> 01:40:46,799 responsibility he stood up there and 2106 01:40:45,039 --> 01:40:50,840 told us he put the letter 2107 01:40:46,800 --> 01:40:53,079 up so we got he made a confession today 2108 01:40:50,840 --> 01:40:56,279 okay and Jennifer says hey we got to all 2109 01:40:53,079 --> 01:40:59,840 work together so in the future let's 2110 01:40:56,279 --> 01:41:02,679 work together okay a centur was only 2111 01:40:59,840 --> 01:41:04,119 they had to separate themselves from it 2112 01:41:02,679 --> 01:41:06,239 that's legal I mean I can understand 2113 01:41:04,118 --> 01:41:08,439 what a centur is so I mean it's not it's 2114 01:41:06,238 --> 01:41:10,559 a slap on the hand I mean but the 2115 01:41:08,439 --> 01:41:12,598 lawsuit for these guys I mean like I 2116 01:41:10,560 --> 01:41:13,679 brought up earlier the Planning 2117 01:41:12,599 --> 01:41:16,480 Commission made a 2118 01:41:13,679 --> 01:41:18,239 mistake and the lawyer corrected told 2119 01:41:16,479 --> 01:41:20,238 the board about it and said they made a 2120 01:41:18,238 --> 01:41:24,519 mistake they never said offered that to 2121 01:41:20,238 --> 01:41:26,158 Susan AB so we're going to make mistakes 2122 01:41:24,520 --> 01:41:28,080 so let's take care of it but the second 2123 01:41:26,158 --> 01:41:30,479 thing is who's going to take Chris's 2124 01:41:28,079 --> 01:41:33,118 place that's all I want to 2125 01:41:30,479 --> 01:41:35,319 know one you guys before you make this 2126 01:41:33,118 --> 01:41:38,598 discussion find out who wants to do the 2127 01:41:35,319 --> 01:41:41,639 job okay well whatever I don't care I'm 2128 01:41:38,599 --> 01:41:45,199 not stop stop we're not I'm not taking 2129 01:41:41,639 --> 01:41:49,480 sides I'm one in the middle that's hold 2130 01:41:45,198 --> 01:41:51,719 on I'm let me talk okay she likes to we 2131 01:41:49,479 --> 01:41:53,839 all speak out listen it's temperamental 2132 01:41:51,719 --> 01:41:55,599 right now it's a lot lot of political 2133 01:41:53,840 --> 01:41:57,039 crap going on I want to stay in the 2134 01:41:55,599 --> 01:42:00,279 middle 2135 01:41:57,039 --> 01:42:02,359 okay I am um very 2136 01:42:00,279 --> 01:42:04,198 disappointed in stuff that I learned 2137 01:42:02,359 --> 01:42:05,799 during the election process and I came 2138 01:42:04,198 --> 01:42:08,000 in and talk to a few 2139 01:42:05,800 --> 01:42:10,199 people I want to I hope we can put the 2140 01:42:08,000 --> 01:42:12,198 other stuff behind the punishments been 2141 01:42:10,198 --> 01:42:13,519 handed down and if the planing 2142 01:42:12,198 --> 01:42:15,000 commission wants to Sue this Township 2143 01:42:13,520 --> 01:42:17,239 then I think people are going to be a 2144 01:42:15,000 --> 01:42:18,560 little bit upset because you're suing us 2145 01:42:17,238 --> 01:42:21,399 you want to take money out of my hand 2146 01:42:18,560 --> 01:42:25,119 keep paying the lawyer he's loving 2147 01:42:21,399 --> 01:42:26,598 it and I'm not blaming 2148 01:42:25,118 --> 01:42:30,839 anyways 2149 01:42:26,599 --> 01:42:33,960 um let me get the mic during the 2150 01:42:30,840 --> 01:42:36,760 election Greg we talked to you you told 2151 01:42:33,960 --> 01:42:39,198 us you wanted to run and you told us you 2152 01:42:36,760 --> 01:42:41,840 were going to sit down and talk to Mike 2153 01:42:39,198 --> 01:42:44,559 and informed him you were running I did 2154 01:42:41,840 --> 01:42:46,079 and you wanted to be a man about it all 2155 01:42:44,560 --> 01:42:48,800 right you didn't want to do it behind 2156 01:42:46,079 --> 01:42:50,439 his back all right now I don't know if 2157 01:42:48,800 --> 01:42:52,639 this is true but I've asked you a couple 2158 01:42:50,439 --> 01:42:55,678 times and I think this because it's 2159 01:42:52,639 --> 01:42:58,000 election Integrity were you you told me 2160 01:42:55,679 --> 01:43:00,679 I said did were you offered a deputy job 2161 01:42:58,000 --> 01:43:03,479 and you told us yes in the meeting that 2162 01:43:00,679 --> 01:43:05,000 you were offered Deputy job not to run 2163 01:43:03,479 --> 01:43:07,359 he that's what you that's the question I 2164 01:43:05,000 --> 01:43:10,000 asked you is was that 2165 01:43:07,359 --> 01:43:12,279 true when I yes or 2166 01:43:10,000 --> 01:43:14,000 no well I want to answer because it 2167 01:43:12,279 --> 01:43:15,840 makes a difference the only reason I'm 2168 01:43:14,000 --> 01:43:20,158 saying he 2169 01:43:15,840 --> 01:43:24,960 said I could hire you as a deputy 2170 01:43:20,158 --> 01:43:29,000 supervisor okay and I said really 2171 01:43:24,960 --> 01:43:30,760 yeah okay and how would that work well I 2172 01:43:29,000 --> 01:43:33,079 could help I could train you how would 2173 01:43:30,760 --> 01:43:35,280 how would that how much would that okay 2174 01:43:33,079 --> 01:43:37,000 me finish how much would that pay I 2175 01:43:35,279 --> 01:43:39,000 don't know 20 grand okay that's fine 2176 01:43:37,000 --> 01:43:43,118 that was the extent of I want to know is 2177 01:43:39,000 --> 01:43:44,880 was offered okay that is bribery I'm 2178 01:43:43,118 --> 01:43:48,000 going to tell you why because it was 2179 01:43:44,880 --> 01:43:49,440 done in June and I've check I come in 2180 01:43:48,000 --> 01:43:51,359 here cuz everybody says come and talk to 2181 01:43:49,439 --> 01:43:53,678 us and I've talked to Pam and I talked 2182 01:43:51,359 --> 01:43:55,158 to Jennifer and I've talked a couple 2183 01:43:53,679 --> 01:43:58,158 other people that worked 2184 01:43:55,158 --> 01:44:01,158 here okay and you know what the excuse I 2185 01:43:58,158 --> 01:44:02,319 got he offered to train afterwards let 2186 01:44:01,158 --> 01:44:05,719 me tell you something if you're running 2187 01:44:02,319 --> 01:44:09,238 for supervisor and you offer a man a job 2188 01:44:05,719 --> 01:44:11,480 using Township money in June what are 2189 01:44:09,238 --> 01:44:14,118 you training him for are you retired he 2190 01:44:11,479 --> 01:44:15,519 ran he put big bigle bar signs in all 2191 01:44:14,118 --> 01:44:18,439 these businesses 2192 01:44:15,520 --> 01:44:19,239 yards this is briary these are election 2193 01:44:18,439 --> 01:44:21,598 law 2194 01:44:19,238 --> 01:44:23,959 violations why isn't this being taken 2195 01:44:21,599 --> 01:44:27,520 care of I'm sorry to me it's it's a 2196 01:44:23,960 --> 01:44:29,520 bribe I'm sorry it's okay Scott I'm 2197 01:44:27,520 --> 01:44:32,920 sorry somebody off if you go someone 2198 01:44:29,520 --> 01:44:32,920 tries to offer somebody 2199 01:44:37,679 --> 01:44:40,800 money all 2200 01:44:43,399 --> 01:44:49,359 right I think you guys should revisit 2201 01:44:45,960 --> 01:44:51,480 the voting on a cell phone or a laptop a 2202 01:44:49,359 --> 01:44:53,719 cell phone will cost monthly a laptop is 2203 01:44:51,479 --> 01:44:57,000 a one-time purchase but I think 2204 01:44:53,719 --> 01:44:59,480 after what he said about now you have a 2205 01:44:57,000 --> 01:45:01,599 Township email are you going to check it 2206 01:44:59,479 --> 01:45:04,158 on your personal cell phone because as 2207 01:45:01,599 --> 01:45:06,639 soon as you do you're opening your 2208 01:45:04,158 --> 01:45:10,399 personal cell phone up to 2209 01:45:06,639 --> 01:45:12,920 subpoena so I personally would not open 2210 01:45:10,399 --> 01:45:15,000 a Township email on my cell phone or my 2211 01:45:12,920 --> 01:45:18,158 home computer or anything else that I 2212 01:45:15,000 --> 01:45:20,639 personally own I think you should uh 2213 01:45:18,158 --> 01:45:22,439 revisit maybe getting what's a laptop 2214 01:45:20,639 --> 01:45:24,400 cost 800 bucks and it's a onetime 2215 01:45:22,439 --> 01:45:27,678 purchase and you're 2216 01:45:24,399 --> 01:45:29,000 done I would rethink that all right 2217 01:45:27,679 --> 01:45:32,000 thank 2218 01:45:29,000 --> 01:45:32,000 you 2219 01:45:33,840 --> 01:45:38,400 okay uh anybody 2220 01:45:39,439 --> 01:45:45,359 else looks like it's you 2221 01:45:42,039 --> 01:45:45,359 Jen come on 2222 01:45:49,079 --> 01:45:55,118 Jam um Janette 2223 01:45:51,760 --> 01:45:56,760 Retta um um so I'm obviously deeply 2224 01:45:55,118 --> 01:45:58,920 disappointed by the decision to move 2225 01:45:56,760 --> 01:46:01,159 forward with the cental 2226 01:45:58,920 --> 01:46:03,399 resolutions um these men have worked 2227 01:46:01,158 --> 01:46:04,879 tirelessly to bring transparency and 2228 01:46:03,399 --> 01:46:06,759 accountability speaking to the 2229 01:46:04,880 --> 01:46:08,480 microphone 2230 01:46:06,760 --> 01:46:12,480 [Music] 2231 01:46:08,479 --> 01:46:12,479 sure start my time again 2232 01:46:13,439 --> 01:46:20,158 please can restart the clock 2233 01:46:17,359 --> 01:46:23,920 please let reset it 2234 01:46:20,158 --> 01:46:25,559 yeah thank you I'm deeply disappointed 2235 01:46:23,920 --> 01:46:27,520 by the decision to move forward with the 2236 01:46:25,560 --> 01:46:30,080 cental resolutions against Greg Dean and 2237 01:46:27,520 --> 01:46:32,159 Chris tonight um these men have worked 2238 01:46:30,079 --> 01:46:34,679 tirelessly to bring transparency and 2239 01:46:32,158 --> 01:46:36,559 accountability to Tyrone Township and 2240 01:46:34,679 --> 01:46:39,000 this decision feels like a deliberate 2241 01:46:36,560 --> 01:46:40,719 attempt to silence them for doing what 2242 01:46:39,000 --> 01:46:44,039 they were elected to 2243 01:46:40,719 --> 01:46:46,679 do Greg admitted that he made a mistake 2244 01:46:44,039 --> 01:46:49,960 you guys did not listen to the rationale 2245 01:46:46,679 --> 01:46:52,399 behind it um but anyway let's not 2246 01:46:49,960 --> 01:46:54,960 pretend this process was fair these 2247 01:46:52,399 --> 01:46:57,839 resolution were drafted 2248 01:46:54,960 --> 01:47:00,359 in these resolutions that are in the 2249 01:46:57,840 --> 01:47:04,239 packet were drafted in 2250 01:47:00,359 --> 01:47:07,319 secret there was no open 2251 01:47:04,238 --> 01:47:08,959 discussion no input from all the board 2252 01:47:07,319 --> 01:47:13,559 members that was 2253 01:47:08,960 --> 01:47:16,399 tonight and worse the AC the accusations 2254 01:47:13,560 --> 01:47:18,280 so when Dean and Greg and Chris found 2255 01:47:16,399 --> 01:47:22,198 out about these guess when they found 2256 01:47:18,279 --> 01:47:25,479 out about them when they opened up when 2257 01:47:22,198 --> 01:47:27,799 they saw the the packet published 2258 01:47:25,479 --> 01:47:30,359 online that's when they saw that they 2259 01:47:27,800 --> 01:47:30,360 were going to be 2260 01:47:31,118 --> 01:47:38,238 censured pardon 2261 01:47:33,439 --> 01:47:38,238 me sorry um 2262 01:47:38,560 --> 01:47:44,560 so the accusations are vague which was 2263 01:47:42,118 --> 01:47:46,479 pointed out they're based on 2264 01:47:44,560 --> 01:47:49,000 feelings and 2265 01:47:46,479 --> 01:47:51,359 probably and a list of Ethics that 2266 01:47:49,000 --> 01:47:53,560 doesn't 2267 01:47:51,359 --> 01:47:55,238 exist so how does does this decision 2268 01:47:53,560 --> 01:47:57,679 build trust in the board and how does it 2269 01:47:55,238 --> 01:47:59,759 serve the residents of Tyrone Township 2270 01:47:57,679 --> 01:48:02,079 this centure isn't about accountability 2271 01:47:59,760 --> 01:48:04,960 it's about control and the message 2272 01:48:02,079 --> 01:48:07,000 you've sent tonight is that speaking up 2273 01:48:04,960 --> 01:48:07,719 and challenging the status quo will not 2274 01:48:07,000 --> 01:48:10,800 be 2275 01:48:07,719 --> 01:48:12,719 tolerated but let you me remind you the 2276 01:48:10,800 --> 01:48:16,199 residents who voted for Greg Dean and 2277 01:48:12,719 --> 01:48:17,840 Chris did so because they wanted change 2278 01:48:16,198 --> 01:48:20,279 they wanted leadership that would stand 2279 01:48:17,840 --> 01:48:22,400 up for transparency accountability and 2280 01:48:20,279 --> 01:48:24,198 fairness and tonight those same 2281 01:48:22,399 --> 01:48:27,359 residents are 2282 01:48:24,198 --> 01:48:30,158 watching and so the people in fact two 2283 01:48:27,359 --> 01:48:35,000 on the board here tonight who were 2284 01:48:30,158 --> 01:48:37,679 especially one Herman continually in 2285 01:48:35,000 --> 01:48:41,399 contact with me a resident who has 2286 01:48:37,679 --> 01:48:44,118 spoken out for almost four 2287 01:48:41,399 --> 01:48:47,759 years calling me and asking me what is 2288 01:48:44,118 --> 01:48:50,679 on the agenda tonight what should I say 2289 01:48:47,760 --> 01:48:54,039 I don't understand the 2290 01:48:50,679 --> 01:48:58,000 agenda yeah Sarah you know that that and 2291 01:48:54,039 --> 01:49:00,279 Sarah calling me and telling me and 2292 01:48:58,000 --> 01:49:02,719 texting me and telling me things about 2293 01:49:00,279 --> 01:49:05,079 the Planning Commission and you think 2294 01:49:02,719 --> 01:49:07,840 all all of you you think that she hasn't 2295 01:49:05,079 --> 01:49:10,000 said stuff about you and want you gone 2296 01:49:07,840 --> 01:49:11,480 too I would love to show my text 2297 01:49:10,000 --> 01:49:13,560 messages you know Sarah I keep 2298 01:49:11,479 --> 01:49:16,638 everything from day one got it all you 2299 01:49:13,560 --> 01:49:18,039 do like to weaponize it no no it's for 2300 01:49:16,639 --> 01:49:20,800 the truth and 2301 01:49:18,039 --> 01:49:23,560 transparency that's all it's for truth 2302 01:49:20,800 --> 01:49:27,760 and transparency so I'm going going to 2303 01:49:23,560 --> 01:49:29,960 ask that the same I'll finish my thought 2304 01:49:27,760 --> 01:49:32,039 I'll finish my 2305 01:49:29,960 --> 01:49:35,000 thought can I finish my thought without 2306 01:49:32,039 --> 01:49:37,960 the heckling please quickly okay quickly 2307 01:49:35,000 --> 01:49:37,960 I'm going to 2308 01:49:38,520 --> 01:49:44,159 ask let me finish please this isn't fair 2309 01:49:41,719 --> 01:49:48,319 bring to order I am come 2310 01:49:44,158 --> 01:49:51,839 on come on just let her finish really I 2311 01:49:48,319 --> 01:49:55,118 am going to ask that the board consider 2312 01:49:51,840 --> 01:49:58,079 putting Sarah dolman Jersey on for 2313 01:49:55,118 --> 01:50:01,399 discussion next board meeting to find 2314 01:49:58,079 --> 01:50:05,238 out and to talk about is it appropriate 2315 01:50:01,399 --> 01:50:09,198 for a board member to go on public radio 2316 01:50:05,238 --> 01:50:13,399 and discuss her fellow board members and 2317 01:50:09,198 --> 01:50:18,000 disparage them okay okay I'm asking that 2318 01:50:13,399 --> 01:50:21,839 you do that thank you she did quiet come 2319 01:50:18,000 --> 01:50:21,840 on come on 2320 01:50:22,840 --> 01:50:30,360 is there anybody else 2321 01:50:26,599 --> 01:50:33,960 yes hel yes 2322 01:50:30,359 --> 01:50:36,960 hel I just want to make a quick comment 2323 01:50:33,960 --> 01:50:40,719 quiet I've been watching this I've been 2324 01:50:36,960 --> 01:50:45,279 coming to meetings all the time all I 2325 01:50:40,719 --> 01:50:49,279 tell you guys this is fight us against 2326 01:50:45,279 --> 01:50:52,960 us and please they needs to stop stop 2327 01:50:49,279 --> 01:50:55,559 acting like children build up be 2328 01:50:52,960 --> 01:50:57,760 transparent we have to think about other 2329 01:50:55,560 --> 01:51:00,639 people who are coming to our Township 2330 01:50:57,760 --> 01:51:02,560 and trying to put that dirty p on our 2331 01:51:00,639 --> 01:51:07,319 Township and ruin 2332 01:51:02,560 --> 01:51:10,039 us laning Washington big Corporation 2333 01:51:07,319 --> 01:51:13,559 everybody's coming and trying to ruin us 2334 01:51:10,039 --> 01:51:15,920 we have to fight them not with us please 2335 01:51:13,560 --> 01:51:19,580 stop doing that's right you are right 2336 01:51:15,920 --> 01:51:26,229 helina thank you 2337 01:51:19,579 --> 01:51:26,229 [Applause] 2338 01:51:26,800 --> 01:51:29,239 anybody 2339 01:51:31,279 --> 01:51:37,118 else okay dur the meeting all right I'm 2340 01:51:34,599 --> 01:51:41,039 looking for a motion to adjourn got a 2341 01:51:37,118 --> 01:51:41,039 motion support 2342 01:51:47,369 --> 01:51:50,550 [Music] 2343 01:51:56,659 --> 01:51:59,809 [Music] 2344 01:52:03,590 --> 01:52:09,679 [Music] 2345 01:52:05,319 --> 01:52:09,679 yeah the only people the only 2346 01:52:16,599 --> 01:52:20,800 people thank you 2347 01:52:26,609 --> 01:52:32,349 [Music] 2348 01:52:35,939 --> 01:52:38,969 [Music] 2349 01:52:41,639 --> 01:52:47,069 know 2350 01:52:43,970 --> 01:52:47,069 [Music] 2351 01:52:51,109 --> 01:52:55,399 [Music] 2352 01:52:52,880 --> 01:52:55,400 yes 2353 01:53:04,840 --> 01:53:10,440 yes couple off the floor that's what 2354 01:53:08,000 --> 01:53:10,439 happens 2355 01:53:17,960 --> 01:53:24,958 right oh I'm sorry 2356 01:53:21,880 --> 01:53:24,958 [Music] 2357 01:53:32,039 --> 01:53:34,679 do